Moving to NY

in #newyork2 years ago (edited)

Hello, my name is Victor Manuel, I am originally from the city of Veracruz, Mexico and I have lived part of my life in Spain.
(Valencia and Madrid) I am 30 years old and I recently decided to change my life and turn it around and dedicate myself to what I am really passionate about, art, helping, getting to know myself, exploring life and the world and discovering new things. I am currently getting acting training at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, after going through one of the worst moments of my life (there have been several), I was coming out of a broken heart, depressed and bored with my job and very sad that I didn't I was able to settle in Madrid after 5 years living there, I had to return with a broken heart and no money after having invested all my time and money trying to make it in Madrid, the world of marketing and business just wasn't for me, the first time I I went to Spain I was 19 years old and I fell in love with that country, its people, the atmosphere, it reminded me of Mexico but freer, more inclusive and more gay, due to the social context in which I was going through between my parents and my circles I had to endure repression for many years and pretend not to be homosexual to others, I managed to get out of my mental prison at the age of 24 in Madrid and later with my family and the world at the age of 25, after many physical, mental and psychological abuses from those around me, I plucked up courage and decided to honor my truth and tell the world who I am, it wasn't easy although at the age of 30 it seems like another life and another world, I imagine my life keeping quiet about my truth or pretending to be something or someone else that is not me, I started my professional life studying business between Mexico and Spain and later I did a master's degree in Marketing in Madrid, I am a person who likes to study and stand out in what he does, I put my heart into everything I do and I always try to give my best, my studies kept my family happy, I achieved great recognition among Mexican and Spanish society and I did things and creative projects in which I was quite proud and happy to have been part of it, but something was missing, I really wasn't happy, I was still a little miserable, the 2020 pandemic arrived and along with it I had to be the second infected with covid in my hometown, once again I received contempt and discrimination from society, my father who is a doctor, was discriminated against because how could his homosexual son have brought covid to Mexico and once again I felt out of place, sad and alone, all my life I have felt very alone, I was afraid to speak my truth for fear of being discriminated against once again, no matter how much you work on yourself, go to therapy and do many things to love yourself and give you that support that you need so much, It will never stop hurting the hatred, envy and evil of people when they want to hurt you. Due to the pandemic, my bad luck and the general situation that the world was experiencing, I stayed in my hometown for almost 2 years, I started from scratch once again in my life and well, I had many fresh ideas and many things that I had learned in my almost 6 years in Spain, I dedicated myself to supporting small entrepreneurs by creating web pages, advertising them on the internet and trying to do a bit for my community, I did art and music events, I supported local artists (djs, models, actors, influencers), I tried to create a community and how did they pay me? once again I felt the rejection, the comments, the evil of the people around me, I was one of the few people who wanted to do something about it for their place of origin and their community and my community paid me with comments like: Who does that asshole think he is? Insults, envy, comments... once again, I am a sensitive, empathetic person, I feel everything... I decided once again to isolate myself from the world, alone, without money, without friends, without wanting to help after how they had paid me, I decided to do a spiritual retreat... for many months I reconnected with many parts of myself from the past, which not only needed love, compassion and empathy... They were crying out for it! I realized that I couldn't help anyone if I didn't help myself first... I began to connect with art, with writing, with acting and for the first time in my life I decided to do something for myself, I know it's very difficult to share what I feel but every time I realize that I am doing this for myself and to help myself, it makes me want to cry, cry with happiness because I am doing it, with sadness for not having done it before and with emotion because It's happening, I decided to move to New York and despite being a giant and sometimes lonely city, despite having so many people, I had never felt so myself, so free, so in touch with myself, in this place I talk to people from all backgrounds , from all places, with different stories and and I had never felt so happy about this, today I start my first day working in a restaurant so as not to starve trying, I am suffering and sometimes I don't have to eat but I know that all this effort is worth it, I think I have many stories to tell about myself and the wonderful people i have met and have helped me along the way, i discovered this community through the anarchist program on HBO and i have nothing to lose by trying to be here, asking for all the help I can and praying to god to give me a little help and a little faith, for years I have tried to find my tribe and my place in the world and something tells me that for the first time in my life my heart can be calm because I think I have arrived at the right place.. I believe in miracles and I believe that there are people who want to build a better world and really help and make a change.

If you have come this far, thank you very much for reading me, I hope you have a wonderful day, week, month and life
Victor Manuel



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