How do You Want to FEEL This Year? I Hope Great!

in #newyear7 years ago


How many of us have made New Year’s resolutions that fade away by the middle of January? How many failed resolutions have made you lose hope in changes for the better?

How about if you reverse engineer it this year, and ask yourself: How Do I Want To Feel This Year, instead of what you want to do or have. I did a seminar at The Centre for Excellence in Burnaby, BC this year and they asked us that question.


Words Are Important

Say, for example you want to lose weight. First of all, say to yourself that you want to RELEASE weight or SHED fat. This way, according to hypnotherapist, Kirsten Bloomquist, author of the upcoming book “ POWERNOW”. If you say you want to “lose” weight, it implies that you lost it, and you need to get it back. Releasing it implies you want to lighten your load. (A little trick that may help you).

Instead of the goal of losing weight, set the intention of wanting to feel sexy, enthusiastic, energetic, young and fun by releasing weight. Focus on how it will make you FEEL and amazing things will start coming into your life.

Don’t think about what you DON'T want, or what you want to change. Only think about what you do want. Studies have shown you get what you want by FOCUSING on what you DO want.


You can’t change other people, or make them do anything, so this only works for YOU.

Allow yourself to have a vision for your life and don’t feel silly believing that it will come true.

It’s a New Year, and Did you know that you can have whatever you want!

But to do that you have to say NO to some things you currently do. Things that make you feel bad.

When You look at what you want for this year, do you want more in health, wealth, career, relationships, personal development?

If you were to focus on three, what would they be?

FEELINGS are a great guide becomes they help you lead from the heart and connect with your emotions.
Pull out a dictionary and write down how you want to FEEL. Here are some examples of words describing how you might feel:


Look back at what went right last year, what went wrong, where you are now, and where you want to go this year. Go boldly forward in a direction that ignites your passion for this whole year. Risk and trust and jump into your dreams.YOLO!


Action is Important

Write down the steps you need to take to get there and post them on the wall where you can see them so you can cross them off. Enlist your friends to help remind you of where you want to go and help you with the steps too!
I discovered that the feelings I want to feel are Freedom, Acceptance and Fulfillment.

Esther Hicks and The Law of Attraction

Esther Hicks describes in a video how she sat with a notebook one day and thought about the word FUN and what she associated with the word. Fun - Fun things are interesting, Fun is comedy, Fun is funny.

Focusing on fun brought things to her. Fun and interesting things started to flow into her experience. She bought season’s tickets to The Spurs basketball game and they won the championship and she had fun going to the games and it was interesting.

She says focusing on the word is not good enough. You have to give up the resistance to whatever it brings and go out and do unexpected things that sound fun to you. Get out of your comfort zone and into your dream zone in other words.

Would you rather feel good than bad? What do you choose?

Esther says you need an open mind to receiving what comes to you from the intention that you set. Even if it isn’t scheduled, will get you there. Take it as it comes, and you will be on your path to feeling how you want to feel.

I hope you feel great this year!

Source -

photos - Pixabay

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