My first post on #newsteem. ...erm, and other thoughts.

in #newsteem5 years ago

Hell yeah! I know that at the moment it is still too early to feel the full effects of this HF overdose. Yep, in its full glory and all its splendor. More than anything for small fishes, authors and content creators. Because the whales, the witnesses, the big cetaceans and other medium size sea mammals with deep pockets and bigger blowholes may well be still too busy patting their shoulders and smiling at each other while saying:

Well, yeah! Good Job. ¡We did it Bros!

People who made more than 20 STEEM on average with their posts will receive even more rewards after the fork, whereas people like most of us who usually get below 20 STEEM will see diminished returns.

But yeah, don't worry dear planktons. Let's just hope people now starts using their free flags per day to balance the shit and counter the usual abuse of the biggies. That's why HF21 could actually be a great thing!

Because those same biggies who were already circle-jerk self-voting their low quality posts of themselves, will even have higher intentions of just keep doing that. ¿Or is this just a fallacy?

On my part, I suspect I'm not gonna use any of those free flags anytime soon. With the lame, sluggish, unstable and plain wonky & wobbly distressing bad internet connection I have these days here in my place. I'm not going now dedicate part of my limited time to chasing and hunting for overpaid shit posts out there to flag.

At least for me and I suspect that for many more like me, this flags activity would be nothing more than an authentic waste of time, efforts and scant resources which we obviously should use to do the opposite.

Why use flags if we, the smallest fishes, usually count with more eloquent 'spiritual' tools like... Uhm well, I dunno, like for example:

¡Verbose Crystal Therapy!

Of course buddies. We should do what we've always been doing and we are still doing so far on this gamified GofT.png monarchical fief.

After all, I've heard of many legends that ensure that it always has been the grey Merlins & the Rasputins of the Kingdom, the ones really exerting the true powah behind the thrones.

Who knows? maybe soon, in the not so distant future and once established Hivemind and its "Communities" feature and definitely also go into full operation the long-awaited SMTs. Maybe, just maybe we could summoning all the otherwise pink dressed Merlins and Rasputins within the ecosystem to form legion with us and through their ancestral experience of magic spells and their masterful wizardry as experts of verbose crystal therapy, start to exercise some influence on the ones sitting currently on the throne.

Meanwhile, I have even participated with my entry in one of the good whale contests in this platform to contribute with my own sort of sortilege and cryptic magic spell to try promote this #newsteem concept after HF21. I ignore if it contains enough crystal meth in it how whales like this better. But even so, I think it looks kind of appetizing. Check it out below, click on it and tell me what you think.

Would you bite any of these bouncing #NewSteems?

Go Mobile & Native

Yeah! I suppose you get the point!!

I don't know how many times I've shared this next video on my posts. But nonetheless, I find this short pretty relevant as expectations go. Yeah, discussions, new perspectives and differences of opinion are always healthy. Just make sure you won't end up in the jaws of the Crocs to convince them. That's all!! };)

Use longer sticks but never jump on their backs so fast to establish your point.

As always, for further meditation, let's close this post with one more of my usual stunning & unfailingly euphonic...

«-'Abstract Aural Bit'-»

Yeah! I felt like you needed smoke something like this today. ¿Am I wrong? 😈

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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Cranky Gandalf


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