
You are proving with a downvote strategy that your ego is so big and thus you do great harm to everyone, unfortunately your time goes by and you will remain as a negative character throughout this story.

I'm not the one telling others how great my posts are, and complaining about getting downvotes. But maybe my definition of ego is just different from yours ;)

In this case, the ego is when you downvote the same person for personal reasons only. You have a lot of users with a lot more Steem Power who do a lot of bad things, but you don't care because you can't attack them, so this move of yours is ego cowardly.

Steem On
Tick - Tack

And I tell you again, one after the other. Slowwalker and his two alt accounts are the main target, downvoting you takes away curation rewards from him as long as you participate in the trading. Stop the trading, and the downvoting stops. Nothing personal.

We're going in circles though. I told you that about ten times by now. Keep trading, keep retaliating, keep threatening. Enjoy!

I am not the main supporter but I am the only one attacked, I feel that this is a trick or I do not know the point of the whole story and nothing is clear to me with these arguments without a basis.

Why attack a @slowwalker, what is the goal, what did the man do wrong?

He is trading votes. Forming a colluding group is one of the main abuse vectors besides self votes and selling votes. Read the whitepaper for more information about this.

We don't have enough SP to go after each and all abusers at once, so we focus on a few. When they stop their abuse, we move on to the next. Or not, when they don't ;)

Every downvote for you takes away curation rewards from the people you trade with. So in the end it doesn't really matter who we hit, but of course we start with those where we think the chances to make them adopt a more community oriented behaviour are the greatest.

Just show me who doesn't change votes on Steemit, who's successful without getting votes from the same group of people? When all other leaders have the same status, not to vote for themselves, not to vote for the same people, that other same people do not vote for them (or their many profiles).

Only then, your words weigh that this is not your personal war, just show it to me and better still write a post about it and prove the list of everyone on the trending page that they are honest players, I believe you can write it because you are a fighter for the truth and of course you are a whale.

If all these players on the trending list, or at least 70% of them, really have qualities that speak to your criteria, then I will convert and be the first to be on your side.

I don't care about others now, I'm talking to you. When you look at the outgoing vote charts you will find a lot who don't give 30-80% to always the same people. I showed you a few in the past, but you didn't care back then. So I won't do it again.

It absolutely won't help you pointing towards others. That others abuse the reward pool is no reason you have to do it too. You're in the spotlight now. I said before, I would be happy to move on to others, but I won't as long as you keep doing what you do.

Circle voting, retaliating against minnows, and threatening people are all unacceptable behaviour. You can play the nice guy as much as you want, your actions speak a lot louder than your words.

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