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RE: Open letter to @dobartim (and for any other blind 'curator') on the steem blockchain.

in #newsteem5 years ago (edited)

We can all see that changes should apply to all
Including .
I hope voters that repeat voting for you will vote other good posts from other bloggers as well.
Isn' t that newsteem policy or trend,whichever- you are promoting.


Why don't you go check out their stats on Steem World and find out?

You already checked out whoever is voting for @joshman. Might as well see what the hell @acidyo or @trafalgar are voting on.

Interesting , you would like me to check who, what?
Is this an order sir.

You already checked out whoever is voting for @joshman. Might as well see what the hell @acidyo or @trafalgar are voting on.

Yeah, and jointly with them, take also a peep to the rest of their triumvirate of notables. i.e. @ocdb, @traf, @therealwolf, @smartsteem, @themarkymark, @buildawhale, @theycallmedan, @threespeak, @oracle-d and all that gang of old Bidbots that now are supposedly 'curators'

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