What A Day, Steemit Resources In SP Put To Waste By Abusive Behavior

in #newsteem5 years ago

A photo of our main computer that suddenly went oof

There are days when positivity, good vibes and luck are all smiling back at you and next thing that happens is a total reverse. Today there are two unexpected things that happened. First our main computer where we do all our tasks to serve our customers suddenly went oof. I was there with my daughter managing the day to day transactions. We do not have a full time technician because we rarely need help. It is only on days like this when an unexpected never heard of error shows in my face. We missed a few opportunities to earn because of this issue. My daughter called the technician and they tried resolving the issue over the phone. I can only imagine how difficult it would be troubleshooting a computer unit following the directions of a technician on the phone. I don't know how to handle such situation but I am glad my daughter has the patience and resilience. I could have given up if it were me. We are still working on the issue until now.

The other bad vibe I observed today is the downvote. I noticed more than five downvotes already and I'm sure there are more if I check my activity history. I got nothing against it if downvoters would leave a comment as to why they downvoted so that we can correct if there needs to be corrected. I tried checking these downvoters and all of them are:
1.) Free steem accounts with free 15 SP
2.) Recently created accounts
3.) None or less than 20 followers
4.) None or less than 3 posts made

I think these downvoters came into existence after hf 21 and 22 as they are new and they took advantage of the free downvotes allotted to them. The free 15 SP allotted to their accounts is just wasted and not being put to good use. Is this the kind of result we want for newsteem? I know we are not being affected by a small stake downvote but these folks are wasting resources.

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