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RE: The house always wins

in #newsteem5 years ago

I just rolled double 6 :D

I would rather give my vote to some douche from YouTube who has a million followers that might join Steem, than constantly lift the voice of complaint.

I was thinking video but opted for a gif instead


It is content like this gif that is going to save us ;D Waiting for the million followers to flood in now...

haha :D

Missed out on a few hundred Creative Coins you think?

I would like to see more lighthearted content, but understand that people may have not felt particularly comical in the past year or so. Still, at least I have the occasional typo from you :)

I plan on having a hit more fun again as after all, the earnings aren't worth being too serious :P

Looking forward to some video content from yourself :)

Not sure how I would do it or organize it. I would likely ramble away for 2 hours.

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