
I'm just telling it how I see it. In my opinion, to be naive about the human desire for self enrichment is foolish. There should be a little aggression in a debate, or there isn't a debate at all. I may be wrong but I also preface what I'm saying with the fact that it is opinion, and my hypothesis, inferring what has not been revealed by what can be seen.

Yes, I think that it's a very worthwhile subject area. We, the Steemians, are now in competition with him. I think he's wrong, in some critical areas, but I am sure that Larimer is going to build a far better smart contract blockchain than ethereum. I just think that the virtual machine/distributed application model is very dangerous in terms of opening up holes for hacks like the DAO hack. I think, in this area, Larimer is going in the wrong direction.

Agreed, on pretty much everything. Only reason I hesitate to resteem etc is when I see words such as "foolish" or "stupid" used directly to describe a person, I'm always expecting the follow up to be at least equally "descriptive" so to speak and it often tends to go in a very unproductive direction.

True enough, but I'm speaking from the position of someone who has had a lot to do with software development in general, since I was quite young, and to disregard the principles and best practises of Computer Science in software really is foolish. Because you would have to be a fool to do something that is sufficiently well known to be folly. A fool engages in folly, this is the definition. Folly is unnecessary, ignorant nonsense.

Sure. But someone might do something foolish, without forever being a fool as well though. That's all I'm saying. It may come of as more rude than you probably ever intend to be.

Fair point, but I would expect a much higher standard of knowledge of CS from these people. Unfortunately, folly is an epidemic in the software development world. From agile development, to turing complete blockchain scripting languages, to extremely overweight, slow, and bug prone scripting languages like Javascript, the industry is full of folly. All of it flies in the face of some 60 years of development in computer science. So my statement stands, and I don't care if it upsets people, because if I am wrong, then so is all the people who did that incredible work that built the internet.

A secure and resilient system cannot be built by fools, these current generation of developers are like the stupid heirs of a good monarch, who run the kingdom into the ground.

Fair enough =)

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