The old world disorder continues: your browsing history is soon to be for sale.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #newslink7 years ago (edited)

Someone knocked on my door. It was a complete stranger. He was wearing a tie and spoke politely, so I let him in to observe my social gathering. As me and my friends had an aperatif, he took notes in the corner. I feel it's not really an invasion of my privacy. I'm not doing anything wrong. I have nothing to hide.

Fuck off you! What level of stupidity have we sunk to?

Short of Donald Trump's signature, it is now legal for your ISP to sell your browsing history to the highest bidder. They already collect your history in anticipation of this day. Anyone who is surprised by this doesn't see the big picture.

Nothing you do online is private but now those personalized ads that everyone loves will be even more specific and stupid.

Just to be clear Youtube, I watched Justin Bieber's new video to see what symbolism is currently being used in the pop scene to corrupt the youth, not because I want to watch every other one of his music videos. To be fair, the kid's got talent but I digress . . .

Orwell wasn't a prophet. He was trying to wake people up to the course humanity's ship is being steered by the predator fucks who think they're so clever.

We're entering an age where if you commit a crime, your past online activity could be used against you.

Edit: *Browsing *!!!!! Not browning.


Big brother, big brother where art thou? Oh right there spying on me to go tattle to mommy.

Hi Kristy! I thought I was already following you. I am now.

I always follow back. I am active off and on... be warned I dabble between lucidity and psychosis so post will be me trying to find reality or theories on what I see. I find steem provides positive feedback and an alternative more open view.they also let me know when I am wrong. I like that because then I know hey don't go down that rabbit hole because user123 said look here's why it's a deep abyss of time wasted.

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