Ending Dependance on Centralized Organizations

in #newslink7 years ago (edited)


Decentralized crypto currencies alone aren't enough to end the central banking monopoly. We still have to pay capital gains tax. Businesses dealing in crypto, like Bitcoin vending machines, have to have AML (anti money laundering), KYC (know your client) or CTF (counter terrorist funding) programs in place.

Now, thanks to a glorious reign by the predictably totalitarian Trump administration, any traveller to the United States has to declare digital currency holdings of $10,000 usd or more, which is a big steaming pile of bull shit. However, the amount of surprise I have in response to this news is equal to my level of surprise that Trump did not in fact "drain the swamp." Had it been Ms. Clinton in office, we'd've seen the same game.

So, how do we "end the fed?" Because, that question comes closer to the root of the problem and was posed to James Corbett, along with other members of the independent news community, by Jerry "minivanjack" Day of freedomtaker.com.

Corbett's response was astute as usual.

He got me thinking about the dependence we have on centrally controlled organizations for our very survival.

Upon seeing the sprawling gravel covered rooftops, void of green, empty space begging to be taken advantage of, my brother, looking from his 10th floor apartment balcony declares, "That's such a waste of space. Where are the gardens?!"

I am no programmer but my level of blockchain knowledge is higher than average (a low bar). Still, when a pretty woman asks, "what exactly is bitcoin?" I ramble, "It's the future of money..," "...decentralized ledger..."


But I wonder if there is a way to tokenize a gardening app that connects people in a community. Gardeners could be incentivized like content creators are on Steemit.

The currency could be backed by the supply of produce within a community . . . or something. The app would essentially act to organize the supply and production of a variety of produce, to coordinate the community, and to fairly distribute excess crop in a more efficient urban gardening operation. Those participating in a given community would have access to a share of the harvest proportional to the amount of work they contribute . . . or something.


Like I said, I can't answer the most basic questions about crypto currency, let alone build an ICO. The idea is: make urban gardening as cool and profitable as mining crypto currency.

What I am confident in is that If we all work together to produce enough food to feed each other, money would no longer be necessary for survival within an urban centre.

Removing dependance upon centralized organizations in daily life, along with the psychological transformation necessary to make that happen, must occur side by side the further development of blockchain technology if we ever wish to fully deny the power of those who we depend on: those who wish to rule by force or sorcery.


Edit: I think the original title, "new law: travellers to the us must declare digital currency holding" might be a bit misleading as to what the article contains, although that news story was the inspiration for writing.

by @skypal

all images from pixabay.com


Removing dependence upon centralization organization... yes I agree with this. :)

I missed reading this, thank god for keeping the tabs open :) Your post was completely off topic :) or what concerns me at least

Where have the bees gone?

I would suggest we push this narrative, first I would like to outline the bad: for instance in the EU it's forbidden to have gardens in public space, so you can garden some chilly peppers or herbs on your balcony, but not food on the ground, berries, or whatnot, so that would require some shift in the psychology, where people bring the village to town and start treating the town as a place to live and grow, not just drive and drink.

It would be hard to get people to stop shopping and start growing, the good part is that, it would save a lot of resources, both on transportation, probably health costs and communities as a whole would need to act together, one person can't plant a whole park with produce, care for it, make the necessary research and at the same time be who he is, care for his family and so on, so groups of 20-30 people in rotation could do all that, find the data, do the seeding, the planting, the growing, the harvesting.. it would be fun, bring in more people and include all ages, both young and old alike should be helping, with their knowledge and time, that should improve local governance and be in favor of the people as a whole, they would have to work and watch less tv :) commute less to big shopping malls, rather spend that time on research or communication with other parties, it would bring cities, towns and villages closer to form bigger communities, because everybody would have to work together, if we are to achieve some gains, there should be massive optimizations.

Be that as it may, it would be hard to start with laws and regulations stacked against you, you would be going against the rotten parts of business and government, those sad little kids that are jelly when you don't play with them :)

i like that post its one way to give the power back to the people :) thanx

I know, the title is maybe not the best. Maybe that's why people keep looking and not voting :( The bee situation is not good. I wonder if the planes that cover the sky with haze have anything to do with that. That's crazy that in the EU regulations prevent this kind of thing. In Vancouver (where I live) it's quite trendy to have a garden plot and there are many community gardens, but no one is coordinated and few people are really garden savvy. It's also probably against regulations to have gardens on tower roofs, unless the roof is built as a living space. Unfortuantely, people in general do prefer to watch tv and shop and as you point out, government would do everything those little jelly kids can do to prevent this sort of independence. I like to dream of a more sane world.

well many people used to live in it, it wasn't perfect, but there was a lot of focus on agriculture, growing plants, learning and traveling some years back, there is still that, but markets have moved in quite invasively and now we have t deal with advertising in our living rooms, our handled devices and so on, makes you question where our values are, but that's another story.

https://steemit.com/@luzcypher had some great posts on growing and I started reading his first posts, it was wonderful, bu I couldn't get to the top in time :D he seems like a wonderful fella

Yes, where are our values? I love luzcypher's posts.

I will be watching this for now


if you have ideas about city building there was a person here that wanted to push the blockchain narrative @finux, since I also find that an interesting topic I'd like to gather some people together and do something along the lines of @voronoi wow he's doing great :) pretty nice, also what happened to the steem ideas and such projects :D they need some revitalizing :D

There are too many great steemians to discover, I don't have enough time in the day. Thanks for pointing out finux and voronoi. They are right up my alley, following them both now. I've read about "grounding" before, and often do it myself. I'll have to check out that docu. Which steem ideas are you talking about that need revitalizing?

well the marketing guy ran a idea>proposal>project but now I rarely see them here is one for instance

Oh ok, I see what you mean. Hopefully in time there will be more and more of those kinds of projects that actually get developed.

Hi Skypal, you cant end the FED Reserve because they have enslaved all countries in there World Wide Matrix and the governments of this world signed there contract papers confirmed to play after there rules. They finance wars to destroy there competitors who want to overthrow there power structure.
What we need is an benevolence Alien invasion to help us get rid of this evil dark
forces who have enslaved the human race.

Hi Moneymaster. My inner scientist screams, "it can't be known if central banking can't be ended until we try as hard as we can to end it. We can only ever know if it can be ended if at some point in the future it ends." I'm sure that there is no external person or organization that can possibly prevent my psychological freedom and an alien intervention is absolutely not necessary, but it might be cool. If people are fragmented, have an authoritative center self that is in conflict with the other fragments, internally, then the external world will eventually reflect this as well. So change has to begin with each person carefully observing themselves. This is what I think.

I like you skypal you have the spirit and heart of a fighter ! i use this analogy to bring across what i like to explain take a computer the computer runs only on a software we Humans are a bio computer with consciousness the trouble starts as soon you are born in this reality you will be vaccinated this are the first programs (software) they put into you to lower your conscious vibration you could say they dumb you down for easier manipulating you same they do in the kindergarden, school, highschool they program us with the wrong programs the wrong believe system the poisend food chemtrails etcetera
and on top of all the enslavement banksystem in the end many humans dont feel like they are the crown of creation but more like a squirl or a pig .

True is what you say that the change has to begin and start by each individual personally but many have already so much wrong programing viruses that they dont know how to come out of this trap they have put us humans in. There is to much misinformation out there because they the dark powers control everything they control the Mainstream Media you should know this :) and the INTERNET GOD GOOGLE CONTROLS THE INTERNET its only a question of time till every single human who wants to use the inet will be forced to take the Chip and only those who have a chip can use the inet.

The Change will come but i know it will be not a pleasurable ride many Prophets explained how this world will come to an end before the new and Everlasting Kingdom will come into existence.

Peace be with You Skypal thanks for your contribution

Thank you for the compliment Moneymaster. Your analogy of humans being programmed is something I think about too and I can easily believe it is literally true. The problem of breaking free of the "programs" is the crux. But it can be done. Is being done.

Peace be with you too, Moneymaster

have a look at this :)

lolz at the Mass Effect storyline :D I would like to not have it like that, buuut maybe you are right

Trump was never gonna "drain the swamp" he hasnt indited killary, and he hasnt audited the fed. the powers that be chose hiim, and the people followed, hes just another puppet.
isint the name James Corbett - Bruce Willis from the 5th element?

I agree. LOL, You're thinking of Korben Dallas.

yes your right that was his name thanks

Outstanding post and narrative!

Thank you so much @michaelstobiersk. I'm a fan of your paintings.

You're welcome and thank you very much!

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