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RE: Dramatic images of protest action in South Africa

in #newslink6 years ago

What's happening is balkanization. Isn't your country becoming extremely racist towards white? Blacks being favored ahead of whites because of government programs etc? White farmers being executed. Let me guess..these demonstrations were by black people who despite getting waaaay more money from the government and being favorised into jobs - are STILL complaining about whites being racist.

Well..let me tell you. You can never solve this. Not possible. Sweden for instanec has had an extreme increase in rapes the past year..and there is a very strong correlation statistically that these rapes are performed by young migrants. But i you ask the young migrant, there are swedes who are doing the rapes. And since the mainstream has chosen feelings over facts, and the darker your skin the more virtuous you are - well, guess who is right? The young migrants.

Then the narrative is swedes are bad -migrants good. Same as your country. Whites are bad -blacks are good. Even if they end up creating concentration camps for whites mainstream media and leftists will still paint the blacks as virtuous. And this insanity is exactly what happened during Hitlers reign. You are being deceived :) And it's really really weird to watch


Yes, there are elements of that, unfortunately. Even though the whites are just as shitty generally. One group always get demonised, it's just the way it is.

Yes. People who believe that we can live in a world without "racism" are very naive. We all have preferences. We prefer people who are like ourselves. Hell, I don't even like most of my white neighbours. I think they are complete morons. I don't share their values, hobbies, mindset anything. And when someone comes from a COMPLETELY different culture..well, I generally don't have anything in common with them - and they not with me. Just how it is. Sure, some people adapt and share my values regardless of color..but as long as we have governments and politics we will never have free association between people. In a non state world, people would move to a certain geographical area because they wanted to join the society that area had created. So if you were a 50 year old bongo-drumming white leftist woman, you could freely move to a african tribe if you got accepted there. Come to think of it..I suppose one could do that right now as well..weirdly enough, most people don't really do that :) They seem to want the comforts and luxuries that has been created by european culture. And each time they attack whitey..society goes to shit..and then they can blame whitey for what he did in the past..and around we go, and the answer lies in taking gooddamn responsiblity yourself, but that never happens as long as you can blame the self hating cuck whitey who points at himself and apologizes for being alive and created the best societies on earth, and things such as womens rights, gay rights, affirmative action, and all the unbelevably incentivizing rules and efforts to make things easier for colored people - and yet they fail..

The carousel will never long as whites never stand up for themselves and start liking themselves and fighting for THEIR rights to exist like every other race - they are going to be ran over by everyone else. Who can you blame for your misfortunes?? Whites! And especially white males. :)

Just how it is..I don't give a s...I actually almost hope it goes to hell, just to say "I told you so". :D

Don't worry, it is probably all going to hell! ;) I choose to be as happy as I can while I'm here.

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