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RE: EOS - The next Dan Larimer Thing

in #newslink7 years ago

I have the feeling we are both rambeling about something else :D But talking about illusions: I once got myself into eating not one but two stamps / doses lsd on this tiny pieces of paper. Now the world looks really wild when you do that, everything seems a warping fractal. What was really interesting that we saw communication between stars. It looked like lasers shooting between them. We all saw it and I confirmed multiple times if the others saw it too. "Look, look again!" It was pretty obvious we all saw it happening. So wtf was that?


You are talking to also a veteran of such hobbies... I have no idea, to be honest, and it would be hard to test it because I don't think you will always see it, but maybe I can suggest a way to test it - if the sight is consensual between a person on LSD and someone on psilocybin, then it probably is something external that our visual cortex filters out normally. In fact, sleep deprivation can cause you to see things like this as well. One thing that may be involved is synaesthesia, where one sense triggers a sensation in a different modality, like tasting a sound, or hearing a colour, in this case, it would have to be something along the lines of a superconductive radio wave sensor or so. Or, who knows? You have to repeat it to study it, and play with the variables.

Well it was my first bad trip too but you are right. We should repeat the study hehe.
So yeah, nice to meet you then. I'd ask you what your experience is as a veteran but I'm going to bed soon so I'll check out some of your posts.

I haven't done any significant amount since I was 20, 21 years ago, but I did subsequently take 2CB one time, and bromo dragonfly 3x (somewhat dangerous stuff but it was so similar to DMT during the period from initial onset to about 8 hours later).

The main reason I haven't continued to dose even intermittently is because of my health, which first went very wrong when I was 21, and broke up with a girl who I was absolutely, completely smitten by, it took me 10 years to get over it. I like to think that at last, 21 years later, thanks to this Jack Kruse, that I have now got enough information to become fully functional again, and maybe I will return to this field and do more self-study. I don't know.

But what I can say, is that having experienced these psychedelic experiences, afterwards, I recognised natural, non-chemically induced experiences that were also psychedelic. I think psychedelics are very interesting and fascinating tools for studying the mind and brain, but, in spite of the fact that there is some evidence to suggest that Terence Mckenna's theory that when these experiences happen, it is some kind of quantum informatics phenomena - that we are tuning our receiver into something real, somewhere else in the universe. In The Spirit Molecule, several of the subjects of the study reported experiences that were a lot like they maybe had teleported to somewhere else, and people there told them they shouldn't be there...

From about the age of 16, until I was about 28, however, I still was studying the literature, and chemistry, I was very busy for a time writing on DMT world and The Hive.

I believe there is substance to Mckenna's hypothesis that psychedelics can enable latent capabilities in the brain that follow the laws of physics, and moreover, that these altered states and latent organelles that perform these 'magic tricks' may possibly be replicable, if we can discover the mechanism and measure the phenomena somehow. Because I have been reading this excellent stuff from Kruse about how it is very possible that the first humans appeared after rapid mutation catalysed by a cross-species viral infection that allowed us to rapidly change our diet from fruit on trees and a little meat eating, to eating sea animals and plants, as well as short, ground plants (roots, berries, etc) that were available when the cold wet weather forced us out of the trees.

It's a line of investigation that has absolutely siezed my attention now, and I know that probably means that I'm going to figure out some new things in the future too, once my subconscious mind processes it.

There is definitely something which grows or stays after using psychedelics. I'm not sure if it alters your brain but I have read the psylocibin does. I was always fascinated by seeing more colours and that stayed I think. It was like going from 8 bit colour to 24 bit colour :)
The problem is now that I'm getting more and more sensitive. I am thinking about getting a house and living in nature with shielding of all electrical wires. But I'm affraid it will be quite lonely there.
So first I'll try to support my immune system more. I'll buy a PEMF system for in bed, maybe I'll sleep better too. Now I take CBD oil to sleep better. And I have my orgonite pyramid nearby but I don't think it has much effect for sleeping. F.lux is also very good although it's a drag to have all the colours wrong, when I'm looking at graphs like on cryptocurrencies performing it's hard to see.

You should also get conductive sheets for your bed and connect them to an earth, and sleep connected to the earth. I have done this with a really rudimentary piece of clothesline cable, from the earth pin on a power point near my bed, and I definitely felt a lot more lively when I woke up this morning. My sleep cycle is all out of whack, but at least in the morning I'm getting some pretty heavy duty sunlight coming into my apartment (I have to open my front door so the air flows out through the windows in the stairwell to make it more comfortable).

I like flux too, but the lightspreaders in LCD monitors leaks quite a bit of blue light still. I sleep less than 5M away from my computer, which is constantly mining, and blinking, and a 4G dongle connecting me to the internet. It would be frickin awesome to be able to build or alter a dwelling specifically to eliminate these fields. You could conceivably create a faraday cage that encircles all your electronic devices, but the front face could be transparent for the monitor, you could put conductive materials connected to the earth in all of the floors, avoid the use of metals in the construction (hemp fibre reinforced concrete), and no wifi, no radio, actually, make the whole structure a faraday cage also, so that inside, there is nothing but the natural EMF that resonates with the earth, which our endocrine system is evolved to use as its clock synchroniser.

The only downside of making the whole structure a faraday cage is the way that it would trap any radio frequency emitted inside it, until it gets absorbed in part by your body, so it may be better, if there was nothing metal in the construction, and chose a site that you have determined using a gaussmeter has low levels of ambient EMF. Something like a valley in the mountains, like an amphitheatre, which would block most of the EMF except what's coming from satellites.

Oh yes, and there is devices you can get that emit schumann resonance, and this squelches the EMF that gets into your body, while providing a signal that the body can use. The two more important things, though, are that you should try to wake for the sunrise, and get a good blast of it early in the morning to kick off the pineal gland's clock reset, and to earth yourself as much of the time as possible. I have been earthing now for almost two days, and I am definitely feeling a beneficial effect from it. I was really excited when I learned about it, because about 4 days ago I ran out of a supply of incredibly strong weed, and this sudden cessation also has left me feeling pretty muddled, and this is also helping resolve that, but I have a general problem here, and it seems like it might well be electrosensitivity. I had been mostly already earthing pretty much every night when I was homeless, because I was sleeping very often directly on the ground, and when I was lost, wandering from Rome and eventually ending up here in Sofia again, that for about 2 months straight I was ALWAYS sleeping on the ground, sometimes on park benches along the way and inside the enclosed bus stops in the mountains of western Slovenia, and I am quite sure that is how I managed to have the energy to walk some 500km, and ride a bicycle another 1100km or so, despite the fact my diet was bin-scavenged food and sometimes I would be riding or walking for a long time before I managed to find something when I was hungry.

This particular incident, in the midst of the general malaise that I suffer all the time, though the experience was very difficult, I felt like I had the energy to face it. And then about 5 months later, when I went to Steemfest, literally only a week passed being in the city, and I was overcome with chronic asthma, and pretty much missed half of the whole thing because I could barely walk around without feeling like I was being suffocated, until @juanmiguelsalas rescued me with a ventolin inhaler. The asthma has actually more or less continued chronically between then and now, with few very short breaks in it, until 3 days ago, when I resumed the paleo diet and started earthing. The asthma is mostly caused by leaky gut in combination with gluten intolerance, actually, what I say it is, is that partially broken peptides from the wheat were sneaking through small breaks in my intestinal membrane, and triggering an autoimmune reaction from this foreign protein. But now, I think that this was secondary, and that being bathed in toxic dirty electricity (this is a real term, btw, it's unwanted RF radiation that comes from many kinds of electrical devices, most notably electric motors, especially when switching on and off)

I have to get into this Jack Kruse, do you have a link?

I have been dropping the links in a lot of recent posts, but here you are: I don't know what to suggest you look at first, it's all incredibly fascinating and enlightening. This guy is a genius. The first time I have ever read about anyone discussing quantum physics extensively in association with biology, a convergence that is long overdue.

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