Are Collapsing Pensions "About To Bring Hell To America"?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #newsleak8 years ago


Along with the student loan debt bubble and other major financial factors, the looming pensions crisis is bound to be the death of us all.

Because it’s based on a future promise to pay, it has long been a benefit dangled to solve strikes and union disputes – because, in the end, it is just more debt, whether private or public.

With tens of trillions in unfunded liabilities, the weight of an avalanche remains dangling over our heads. An aging population is cashing in on needed retirement benefits while the younger generations must support multiples that are unsustainable financially.

Somewhere between the retiree that needs clothing, food and lodging, and the bankruptcy of cities and state governments is the makings of the next economic crisis.


  • This is one of those things that few will pay attention to until it’s a 5 alarm fire. Then the policymakers will run around with their hands in the air saying they didn’t see it coming.
  • Of course they did. But addressing the problem is hard and will make people unhappy in the short term.


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This is going to cause much gnashing of the teeth in coming years. It is already a problem, but only in spots. I think it is going to spread to most places within the next 10 years.

I wish they would use "AgainstCronyCorportism" rather than ...Capitalism. Words matter and that is an important distinction in my opinion. Corporatism is nothing more than a protection racket.

Hijacked words...favorite tactic of the left.

It makes me wonder if they actually want to solve the problem or just cause a fuss. Or maybe they are just stupid. I try not to call names, as it is unproductive, but I just have to wonder.

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