Kashmir: Why India and Pakistan fight over it

in #newshub7 years ago

Kashmir: Why India and Pakistan fight over it

How old is this fight?
Another war followed in 1965, while in 1999 India battled a brief however severe clash with Pakistani-supported powers.

At that point, India and Pakistan had both announced themselves to be atomic forces.

Why so much unrest inside the Indian part?

Numerous individuals in the region don't need it to be administered by India, inclining toward rather either freedom or association with Pakistan.

The number of inhabitants in the Indian-regulated province of Jammu and Kashmir is over 60% Muslim, making it the main state inside India where Muslims are in the larger part.

High joblessness and dissensions of cumbersome strategies by security powers engaging road nonconformists and battling extremists have irritated the issue.

Weren't there high hopes for peace in the new century?

India and Pakistan did without a doubt concur a truce in 2003 following quite a while of slaughter along the true outskirt (formally known as the Line of Control).

Pakistan later guaranteed to quit subsidizing radicals in the region while India offered them an absolution in the event that they revoked militancy.

At that point, in 2014, another Indian government came to control promising an extreme line on Pakistan.

Are we back to square one?

A bleeding summer of road dissents in the Indian-controlled part had effectively raised strain this year prior to an aggressor assault on Indian warriors left 19 dead in September.

Faulting the assault for a Pakistan-based aggressor gathering, the Indian military reacted with cross-outskirt strikes


Interesting, thanks for sharing this information. I followed you, upvoted and look forward to many more history lessons and informative blogs from you.

amazing topic as a pakistani i see your vision and hope this gets resolves one day.

I know this war.I really am sad about it. God will help and bless for justice ((

All right ! ready, GOOD, I waIt you. :)

We must live together. You can not fight.

Sorry for the bad translation

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