The future of work and specialization

in #news6 years ago

Today, various virtual bots effectively replace living and “physical” employees while many companies and organisations turn to the concept of robotic process automation. In the coming years, a whole new virtual dimension will emerge - many corporations will exist solely in the virtual space. A significant proportion of their employees will be represented by bots and “physical” robots rented in different countries. Some of them will still employ humans - narrow specialists and high-class “generalists” scattered all over the world.

The world is changing. Perhaps one of the key trends is associated with the rapid complication of all processes that are not related to social parasitism. In past years, some science-fiction authors supposed that over time, the development of science would lead the world to such a high level of specialization, in which the number of available branches of knowledge would exceed not only the number of scientists, but also the size of the humanity as a whole.

Today it seems that such development won’t be a problem as many people will begin to further adapt and invest more into their chosen specialty - first by expanding the tools and acquiring various scripts and bots, then using physical robots leased from society, and, finally, in the format of genetic or engineering improvements of their own body. Canadian science fiction writer Peter Watts predicts the emergence of specialized intermediary people whose task would be to popularize and interpret the actions and achievements of transcendental specialists for the rest of the masses of people.

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