Civil war over the horizon!

in #news7 years ago

You can see with the attacks ramping up in frequency and intensity how we're headed for civil war. Now might be your last chance to stock up on supplies like the three B's beans, bullets, and band-aids. Organize with your neighbors and team up for mutual defense and support. We're going to see more of these types of attacks coming in the weeks ahead until we reach a full martial law status nationwide. If your planning on heading out for that protest march DON'T. You're best bet is to stay put and only go out to gather supplies for you and yours.

Antifa and the left in general have been planning these types of attacks for months now and law enforcement officials have been warned but it's still going to be difficult. You've got a portion of the population that's been brainwashed into thinking that they're fighting a fascist regime. They want to be a hero and will cause a lot of damage depending on how this all goes down. They'll target local law enforcement so it maybe the case where you'll have to support your local militia.

No one knows how this will all go down but there's definitely some dark times ahead. We may have to stay in place for bit and ride this out till the end. The anti establishment leftists and Democrats need to play their hand before they're exposed for who they are. It wasn't enough that their toxic ideology has destroyed the Democrat party but now they're trying to take America down with it.

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