Weather Channel Founder Takes Down CNN Host Over Climate Change

in #news7 years ago

The criminal empire has been pushing global cooling, global warming and climate change since the 1970. Back in the 70s they told us that in the year 2000 there will be an ice age. In the the 80 they switched the story to global warming because they realized the sun was in an active state and the earth was warming so they said in 2000 nations would be underwater. In the 90s they told us that snow will be a thing of the past in the year 2013. None of this happened.

The weather channel founder confronted the host of CNN. He told him that there is no such thing as global warming or climate change, it is fake and a hoax. The CNN host says but 97% of the scientist say otherwise, the weather channel founder says those organizations receive grants from the government and they need to be on the same page as the criminal empire or they don't receive their grants. He says that he has 31,000 scientist that say climate change is not happening and he deals in scientific fact and would go up against any of them with real hard data.


"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" -George Orwell

You could bury Al Gore up to his neck in a glacier, light his head on fire and he'd say it's Autumn.

Ha Ha. Good one. When there is truth there is no confusion.

Thanks for all you do Dave!

Thank You Dave great report, great to see a man stand of for the truth,

CNN has never been the same since Ted Turner sold it.

Today, we are not interested in anything but the truth. So, we may not make a ton of money for telling it, but tell it we will. Kudos Dave!

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