The World is Changing - Because People are Changing - Grassroots Movements Everywhere

in #news7 years ago

boy change the world.jpg

"The revolution will not be televised"
(echoed by people everywhere)

This is an interesting statement. There is much truth to it. The "mainstream" media channels are no longer "mainstream". They are no longer in tune with what is going on with people in the world. The "mainstream" is out of touch. Wildly so. It's become a real tragic comedy that, "Everybody Knows".

Take a moment and lets zone in to Leonard Cohen song, "Everybody Knows".

The song, "Everybody Knows" is indeed quite Profound.

What has been missed by many is How such changes are happening. Changes are happening all over the place. These changes begin with individuals. From here, individuals are forming movements. "Grass roots movements" is a way to categorize and define much of the change that is manifesting itself in the world today.

These "grass roots movements" are mostly not on the television. They are not paid advertisements or messages supported by big business of any kind. In fact the broadcasting is mostly done "guerilla" style. Guerilla style meaning - a lot of individual reporting with one's own resources. It's real news being reported by real people. Real investigative reporting from the ground floor.

What we are seeing for example with "Cryptocurrency" is a somewhat massive 'grass roots movement' that has emerged ever so quietly and has gained some serious traction.

We have new networks emerging that are accommodating "grass roots movements" everywhere. STEEM, DTube and DLive are decentralized broadcasting networks. Content creators are rewarded based on the community of supporters interests in the creations. This is quite a cool thing that is changing the very ways in which we've been programmed to think about media content. For so long, "News" content has been a deliberate form of propaganda to influence and control the majority of people on the planet.

For the first time ever we've created a way to support creative collaboration indefinitely. There is serious expansive potential here. We have global networks here a big look to STEEM as this global network that makes it possible...and actually incentives the possibilities and ideas we have to create a better world for all of us. It's happening, I implore you to make STEEM a prerogative. Support the creation of a better world.

We've reached a tipping point in terms of effectiveness and efficiency of large scale institutions being effective with various modes of propaganda. Ironically, what is emerging with ever the vigor and vitality is a series of grass roots movements happening simultaneously. More people are taking responsibility to share their interests....sharing their passions.....reporting on world affairs on both a micro and macro level. We are in the era of "self-education" and this trend is really just starting to hit a tipping point in terms of the profound effects we are having collectively as the world here. We are witnessing the accumulation of our words and actions made manifest as the world.

The journey continues.

Everyone is a Broadcaster and our best expressions are Pro for Giving.

Steem On Everyone

  • Cheers to keeping it real in 2018

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100%, news media is moving online where it can't be controlled as easily by those who have become so used to it. Although we have to keep being careful, influence will always come one way or another, keeping a critical mindset on all sources is key.

yet another great post @worldclassplayer... couldn't agree more on the point of grassroots movements taking hold throughout the world, and that cryptocurrencies and Steemit are perfect examples...
It's a time of and for creation, and people like you are leading the way as an example others can emulate...
appreciate your words....
Keep it up, brother...

@worldclassplayer the Holy Spirit is running through us. The return of Christ is through the spirit of the people. We're awakening and branching away. The masses are psychologically moving. The marijuana movement will only help.

Steem On!

thanks @varignon

Our spirit - Our Beingness is indeed Strong

I'm reminded once again of the great African proverb that goes something like this:

If we want to go far - move together

In Lak'ech - Mayan for you are another me, and i am another you. Thank you.

the world will never be the same again time to change the thinking

a great movement in the field of crypto this is a movement

the journey will keep going but we need to find the way in between

Nice post @worldclassplayer.

the world is changing time for us to change too !!

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