A World Focus on "Accommodation"

in #news7 years ago


It really just hit me in the face, The importance of Accommodation. I came across such reflection in an unexpected read today. It really got me thinking about Business + Accommodation, and How important "Amenities" are for community building and Best Human Development.

The post i was looking at: camp-lesbos-life-in-the-refugee-camps has been an investigative reporting series with the focus on this particular post: Being a male refugee - kara tepe and caritas

In the investigative report, an interesting point was identified: "Not much support for actually Doing anything". In caritas the accommodations sounded decent but not much direction and or guidance for actually making something for oneself and one's family. This got me thinking: It's all about Accommodations

Reflection upon Accommodation

  • The best business practices will naturally align with accommodations and amenities. This includes recreation and leisure. The best support for "work and play" supports Longevity and Loyalty.

  • Think about Brand and Worker Loyalty - If you are more than adequately cared for...regarded...You are going to development a relationship bond that's forever. Growing deep roots of support never really die. This is how legends are born. Solidness through and through. Reciprocity in manifestation.

  • This is the future direction of Business I see in the world - Mega Corporations of Cooperation. Mixing Business with pleasure. Connecting Community through gainful employment. Perhaps employment is not the best word...because i see this type of development as "Team building" in the sense of growing a "Dynasty". Taking and integrating the best of everything and integrating into a practical living lifestyle. In a way this supports for real way of living and working playground planet earth into existence

  • Enter Cryptocurrency as the money for the people by the people. Making the process of securing and substantiating wealth and saving's easier than ever. This is indeed a paradigm shift out of our historical debt based model of suppression and Inferiority.

  • Think about how community can thrive when the town/environment/neighborhood is built upon Brand Loyalty...and everyone has "Shares" in the Brands. This really does support research and development. Not to mention Education and best community support.

  • In a lot of ways within our shared existence we have a lot of redundancies. This i believe is because of the ingrained "survivalist" mentality...and everyone to some extent or another being" in it to win it...and this in it to win it, is mostly ego based...at the "expense" of most losing out in the process. (Perhaps I am way off base...but this has been my integrated experience and I am actively challenging myself to drop any and all outlooks of zero sum game because I have done the math on the win/win equation and it's a superior model. The Best just gets Better. All is Included. Mutual Benefit is the Best Benefit.)

STEEM and STEEMIT Always Comes up in World Wide Reflection

  • This is a world wide community ecosystem in the beginning phases with clusters of accommodations for specific interests.

  • This is like Capitalism Harmonizing with Socialism in the Best of Ways. For the people by the people. Obviously this experiment here is still very much early days...but every day we thrive...our legacy is substantiated tremendously. We are the pioneers/creators here today...and the world is Ours to Share. Play ground planet Awesome.

nature awe.jpg


Great post!

I am waiting impatiently for the day when games will be using cryptocurrencies as money inside the game and then everyday I will be working and enjoy at the same time!!!


This is coming...Forrrrr Suuuuuuure!

It's fun and funny in a lot of ways....tragic comedy almost that it has taken us so long as humanity to recognize that our best expressions are in being creative with how we create and support the creation of money. After all it is simply a medium of exchange to support our Mutual Best Interests. One man One Vote :)

Thanks for your comment - it is indeed stellar and eye opening into our potentials here!

I have seen some games on Android where you can earn some Satoshis but they are still far from the money - gaming infrastructure I am hoping for!

Cheers man!

I've got good news for you. There actually is one in alpha stage atm. They are currently doing ICO.
Here's link: https://www.hashrush.com/
Looks like they invested quite some work into it and could turn out into something. I certainly hope so it looks nice.

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