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RE: SETH RICH | How The Hacker Guccifer 2.0 Was Made Up By The DNC

in #news7 years ago (edited)

:-O This shit is like the 10th season of a TV show that just doesn't want to get cancelled. I feel less and less able to get anything resembling truth to what is going on in the world. Thank you for this perspective. All I know is the more we build trust and community, the more good we can do.

I'm honestly not that concerned with the truth at this point, I know the left is lying and has an agenda, the right is lying and has an agenda, and Trump is lying and has an agenda.

Glad there are still people searching for the truth though! I will read this again when I sober up <3

EDIT: There is no unspoken rule against drunk steeming is there?


ha. No drunk steemit is good. Although just remember what ever you post remains on the blockchain forever.

Yes the world has turned into a disinfo warzone. I#ve been closely following and researching all this since june last year so I feel I have a pretty good grasp of what is going on.
TBH it's pretty fun.

I'm going through your posts, still drunk, and I can't find any on Trump. What is he? I still don't get it. Were he and Clinton on the same side? Is he just a pawn in all of this? Is he just another faction with only self-interest in mind? I know the media is all playing us but I cannot for the life of my fathom any version of reality in which he has anyone's interest in mind but his own but I find a lot of the internet is still siding with him (maybe as a lesser evil?). It's just a real life Game of Thrones, right? No good guys. You're the good guys.

Forget Trump forr now. He was just a side effect of exposing HRC and the deepstate. He didn't win. HRC lost.
The DNC made up the Russian claim as an excuse for losing. Now the deepstate are trying everything in their power to remove him.
Yes I guess you could say he was the lesser of 2 evils.

What about that meeting that Trump had with Bill a few days before he announced he was running?

If there is anything I'd like to see, it's transcripts of that.

That would indeed be interesting!

Fairly accurate imho, but the troll factor is missing from your equation. Trump was promoted by /b/ trolls with a vigor that reflected their own yearning for /b/'s early days, and was really the last gasp of creative trolling on the site.

Trump, I unironically believe, owes his current office to those trolls. After the memes were begun on /b/, /pol/ alt-right posters picked up on it, and posts began spreading to other sites, first the hilarious memes, and then the various factions disenfranchised by the two-faced American political establishment began supporting him in earnest.

'twas a marvelous thing to see!

This post is excellent, btw. I strongly support your factual narrative, and am deeply impressed by your analysis of the Guccifer2 genesis. I wondered that no connection between the Awan's access to House data, Wasserman, and possibly the DNC, and Guccifer2 was even speculated.

It seemed an obvious extrapolation to me, given their relationship with Wasserman, and the timeline. Thoughts?


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