Hollywood, The Pedophile Cesspool..

in #news7 years ago (edited)

In Just the last month , we have seen big amounts of Hollywood A listers and producers being accused and outted as sexual predators and pedophiles.


First we had Weinsteen who has fled to Europe now for "treatment" from the 40 and counting victims he is accused of sexually abusing

Then we have Kevin Spacey who has vaguely admitted ( he was drunk at the time and has a hazy memory)to trying to rape another 14 year old actor, Spacey apologised although with an excuse that he is gay, somehow thinking that made it ok.? In Spaceys warped mind...

Spacey also has a foundation for upcoming young actors where it has been alleged that it is possibly used for grooming the underage actors to sexually exploit.


Spacey was logged on convicted Pedophiles plane,( dubbed the "Lolita express"), Jeffery Epstein along with bill clinton en route to his private island, where it is alleged children were used as sex slaves.


Also 7 years ago, the cartoon family guy, had a skit of the baby character Stewie, running through a airport yelling "help I have escaped from Kevin Spacey basement" this confirms that all these people in the Hollywood circles know what is going on yet choose to make jokes out of it, while really keeping quiet and protecting each other.

Next we have Corey Feldman go to the LAPD this week and make an official statement about the pedophiles who raped him. only to be told the case will not be investigated as it happened to long ago.

Sexual Deviate Charlie Sheen has been accused of Raping Corey Haim on set when Haim was a child, only to be defended by the Pedowood media..


Although information very strongly suggests the claims about Sheen are real, Sheens ex wife Denise Richards filed an incident support on him back in 2005 which read Sheen had been accessing gay pornography, although What really disturbed Richards was that the boys in the pornography looked underage..


Just recently grease frightening star John Travolta was acused of forcing himself onto a young hotel male massage therapist by the name of marky hutt, who shared his story on Twitter after saying he took semen stained jeans to the police and reported the sexual assult back 2010, only to have the police dismiss the claims...


After the assult Hutt claims Travolta gave him 2000 cash as hush money, After the many tweets going into detail of the sexual assult, Hutt released a typed statement which read...


These are just a handful of cases from the big name actors there are many many more coming out by the day....The massive amounts of Pedos in Hollywood and Washington politics is so disturbing it is beyond words...

And keep in mind, when they come out all apologetic or denying these accusations, they are ACTORS...they get paid big money to pretend to be something they are not...except that one movie Spacey was in American Beauty I think it was called, where Spacey plays a pedophile, I am sure he didn't have to act very hard in that one.

I pray we see this house of cards come tumbling down, and soon before anymore kids can be hurt...

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