Bernie Sanders words come back to bite him

in #news7 years ago

2016 nominee for president Bernie Sanders was outspoken claiming to fight for the poor and vowing to break up the criminal big banks, although in a tiwst of events Burnie and his wife are under investigation this week in a fraud case of ripping off the bank system for an alleged 10 million dollars, although it's not surprising, can you trust any politician these days?


On another note why isn't the clinton crime syndicate under investigation for all their crimes...Sanders sounds like a misdemeanor when put next to clinton long list...but hey that's none of out business

Sanders fraud

List of known clinton crimes


The sad part is for a Socialist he doesn't pay much in taxes either what 13-14% they said. You try to make Trump out to be some tax cheat, someone illegally releases Trump's tax returns and you find out Trump pays double in taxes than Bernie? All the young people who rallied around that old codger as if they were watching the old man from UP! Now you add insult to injury with his wife faking donation numbers to get loans so she can rip off the Catholic Church. So what does Bernie do? Attack Christians, attack Trump but he can't take any heat on himself now can he? Pathetic.

No list probably can uncover all the crimes that these guys have commemced. Nice post!

Very true! Cheers

Unbelievable hypocrisy from Bernie Sanders!

How embarrassing is this for the socialists? Millionaire Bernie Sanders and his wife caught up in a bank fraud scandal?

Don't forget, millionaire Bernie Sanders also paid less tax than President Trump did!

#FeelTheBern 🙈

Life comes at you fast.

That tweet didn't age well.

We shouldn't jump to conclusions. This seems to me like a desperate Bernie smear attack. They're trying to take him out because he is the most popular politician in the country. How can they go after this, but ignore the corruption of the Clinton Foundation?

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