Trump administration poised to change transgender student bathroom guidelines

in #news8 years ago

The Trump administration plans to roll back protections for transgender students, reversing federal guidance that required the nation’s public schools to allow children to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that matched their gender identities.

In a letter to the nation’s schools, administration officials plan to say they are withdrawing guidance issued by the Obama administration that found that denying transgender students the right to use the bathroom of their choice violates federal prohibitions against sex discrimination, according to a draft of the letter obtained by The Washington Post.

This was just 'guidance' by the Obama administration not a law but like all guidance from the federal government it came with the threat of withdrawing federal funding from any school that did not comply. We don't need the federal government regulating bathrooms in our schools. This gender thing has only been an issue in the last eight years as Liberals have gone on a crazy power trip to destroy western culture or human culture in this case. Every culture, religion and race on this planet has separated the bathroom duties by genders.

Gender identity disorder is a real health problem but it's a mental problem not a physical one. These people need psychological help not gender re-assignment surgery or special privileges from the government. The federal government has no business in education and should leave it up to the states to decide if they want to fund public education or not.

Thank you Mr Trump for bringing a little sanity back into our schools.


I guess with barry's "wife" really being a man, they were keen on this stuff :)

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