
Heheh.... and when you say Neo-Cons.... the Neo-Cons arose out of the PNAC group and there are indicators that they infiltrated both major political parties. So I consider some of the Democrats that have been proven to be warhawks to be Neo-Cons as well.

I was talking with a friend about this... I haven't really researched much.

All I could tell him was the following:

Assad hasn't really given indicators he is an idiot.
Use of Chemical Weapons is immediate justification/motive for us or other super powers to invade.

If Assad did this then he is an IDIOT and it is tantamount to Suicide.

So considering that I don't see this attack as beneficial to him...

Well who benefits.... the John McCains', Lindsey Grahams, and other people that were beating war drums against anyone they could.

It is interesting that this occurred right after our stance changed to letting the Syrians decide their presidency...

days later there is a gas attack...

using gas is like saying "Hey, super power I want you to come kick the shit out of me!"

So Assad is either an idiot... which I haven't seen indicators of that prior to now, or this very potentially could have been a false flag.

It certainly wouldn't be even close to the first false flag the U.S. has been involved with, many which have been declassified and proven.

In the last gas attack (which ISIS claimed responsibility for) he was forced to give up all his chemical weapons or face US air strikes. So he's know the consequences of such actions. Most likely a false flag and Trump took the bait.

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