Pos Polisi Dibakar, Mahasiswa UIN Diseret dan Kecebur Sungai (Billingual)

in #news6 years ago


Image Police arrested a member of a mass action group allegedly involved in burning a police post at a labor day demonstration at the UIN intersection of Sunan Kalijaga, Jogja, on Tuesday (5/1/2018).

Foto Polisi menangkap salah seorang anggota massa aksi yang diduga terlibat pembakaran pos polisi pada demo hari buruh di pertigaan kampus UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Jogja, Selasa (5/1/2018).

The event commemorated the World Day of Labor held at the fork of the campus of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta Special Region on Tuesday (1/5/2018), led to the burning of police posts.
After the police station on highway Jogja-Solo was burned, the police hunted the mass of public facilities destroyers into the campus.

Aksi memperingati Hari Buruh Sedunia yang digelar di pertigaan kampus Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Selasa (1/5/2018), berujung pembakaran pos polisi.
Seusai pos polisi di Jalan Raya Jogja-Solo itu dibakar, polisi memburu massa aksi perusak fasilitas publik itu ke dalam kampus.

"Police combing into the campus, can one student and be dragged into the middle of the road."

"Polisi menyisir ke dalam kampus, dapat satu mahasiswa dan diseret ke tengah jalan."

After successfully arresting one suspected arsonist, the police also pursued a mass of action that plunged into the river.
"Some are plunged into the river but caught, so there are two people who were arrested, students."

Setelah berhasil menangkap satu orang yang diduga pelaku pembakaran, polisi juga mengejar massa aksi yang menceburkan diri ke sungai.
"Ada yang menceburkan diri ke sungai tapi tertangkap, jadi ada dua orang yang ditangkap, mahasiswa."

The rioting of the demonstrations up to the arrests of a number of mass action municipalities caused the highways that led to the airport and the inter-provincial roads were jammed because the roads were closed.

Kericuhan aksi demo hingga penangkapan sejumlah manggota massa aksi itu menyebabkan jalan raya yang menuju bandara serta jalan antarprovinsi itu mengalami kemacetan karena jalan ditutup.

Sleman Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Muchamad Firman Lukmanul Hakim told, the arson took place at around 17:00 pm.
"The situation is conducive, it happened this afternoon," said Firman in Yogyakarta, Tuesday (1/5/2018).

Kapolres Sleman Ajun Komisaris Besar Muchamad Firman Lukmanul Hakim menceritakan, pembakaran itu terjadi sekitar pukul 17.00 WIB.
"Situasi sudah kondusif, kejadiannya sore tadi," kata Firman di Yogyakarta, Selasa (1/5/2018).

Firman said, there was a blocking of roads at the intersection of UIN campus. After the burning took place, dozens of Brimob Police officers went directly to the UIN Sunan Kalijaga campus to search for the perpetrators.

Firman mengatakan, sempat terjadi pemblokiran jalan di pertigaan kampus UIN. Setelah pembakaran terjadi, puluhan Kepolisian Brimob bermotor langsung masuk ke kampus UIN Sunan Kalijaga untuk mencari pelaku.

The entry of the police did not last long. The police went straight back out. Firman said the police got inside the campus because when the fires took place, the masses entered the campus.

Masuknya polisi tidak berlangsung lama. Polisi langsung keluar kembali. Firman mengatakan polisi masuk ke dalam kampus karena saat pembakaran terjadi, massa masuk ke dalam kampus itu.

"We appreciate the credibility of the campus, we are looking for the culprit who? We do not want to accuse," he said.

"Kami menghargai kredibilitas kampus, kami lagi cari pelakunya siapa? Kami nggak mau nuduh," kata dia.

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