CLONE METOO: Attack Of The New World Programming

in #news6 years ago


Hello Steemitkind! 👋

I just had to take a moment away from the current piece I'm working on to analyze and break down this story that just came out yesterday on the CBC (Canadian Brainwashing Corporation)

Alright. Very interesting.. a sperm stealing female cloning fish. Hmm...

Okay, why are they dead?

Woah, uh really? Done away with males huh? Are they feminist fish? Feminfishts?

Okay, that was my lame attempt to be funny, but all joking aside It's really interesting that they would say that. I mean, with movements like #metoo and #timesup going on right now.


After I read this article, I did a little digging around about the Prussian carp (goldfish) and at first I didn't find anything mentioning that this fish reproduced in such a way.

Interesting... I found an article by CTV news, from 4 years ago. Literally no mention of the Prussian carp's reproductive abilities whatsoever.

Why is that? The CBC seems to think it's very important information now, but not even noteworthy 4 years ago? I just don't know... Things that make you go hmm? 🤔 Anyways, I'll continue.

I was eventually able to find some more information about the reproductive system of the Prussian carp, AT AN ONLINE FISHING STORE! lol. It's true they reproduce in the way described in the CBC article, but there were some details they failed to mention.



Yada yada "winter killed" yada yada yada


Ahh, so after reading this, I see two themes being pushed. 1: The metoo matriarch/anti-patriarch agenda. Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with women and their rights.

This may come to as a shock (not really) but, I come from a broken family (as most do these days). Dad left when I was 2, and my older brother wasn't around much, so I was raised by women. Personally, I get along better and feel more comfortable in the company of women. So I would never be a part of or have the desire to oppress them. For I have a great appreciation for all that they do. When I speak of these movements like #metoo, #timesup or the matriarchy.

I speak of the 'greater forces' that would steer innocent women, and men for that matter, towards means that would fit these 'greater forces' agenda. It's extremely important to understand that, nothing in the mainstream media is by accident. They always have an underlining message they are trying to slip into the reader's subconscious.

2: Clones! Yes! Attack of the clones! They have to push that cloning aspect of course! Come to think of it, they have pushed this on the CBC before. I mean they've pushed these themes many times, but I'm talking about how they've done this with another aquatic creature before.

Ah, here it is! Posted in February!

Damn, I'm good! 😂


So what can I say? To me this is obvious mind control. They are putting these stories out all the time to program you into a divide and conquer mindset. Not of just the right and left, but if men and women. Breaking up men and women is their goal.

Why? Well it's rather simple, 'families'. Destroying the family nucleus has been a big part (if not the biggest part) of the new world order agenda. Destroy family and take control over human reproduction. If they can take control of humans reproduction, they could depopulate it more effectively, and by controlling who is born and how they are born (or rather cloned). They could (in theory) create a caste based society. A genetically and mentally conditioned race, bred to perform specific duties within society. Just read Aldous Huxley's predictive programming err I mean novel, Brave New World to get a better understanding how a society like that would function. Or listen to the audio reading on dlive provided by yours truly Brave New World [Audiobook] Part 1

Recommended viewing material

Great video by @reallygraceful on human cloning.

@fakenewsreport breaks it down for you in this video covering more CBC #agenda2030 matriarchy propaganda

Mommy Wildest - Hilarious CBC Pro-Matriarchy, Anit-Patriarchy Propaganda

Thanks for taking the time to read my content. Any questions or comments are most welcome.


Great work @venomnymous and yes I agree .. alongside the chemical onslaught on our bodies there is an insidious assault on the perception of masculinity and feminity and this will be the doorway into the destruction of the nuclear family. We can see where this is going and that is why it's so important to call it out for what it is! As your post so richly portrays you speak out about these difficult subjects because you care .. big respect to you bro!

Thanks brotha. The msm continually chips away at the pillars of our societal structure, so people like you and I will chip away at the msm.

I absolutely agree about the agenda going on to destroy the divine masculine, divine feminine, and the family nucleus. We need each other and all have unique qualities that should not divide us, but make us fit together beautifully.

I loved that tidbit you threw in from your upbringing. <3 <3 I learned something new about my friend @venomnymous <3

Thanks @lyndsaybowes. I'm glad you Liked that bit of personal info. I was hoping that divulging that bit about about my upbringing would help to show my intent in writing this piece.

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