Amazon's checkout-free store opens to the public January 22nd

in #news7 years ago

Hey they stole @evileddy s idea! Pretty cool.

Amazon's bid to automate the convenience store is finally ready for the public. The company has confirmed that the Amazon Go store attached to its new Seattle headquarters will be open to non-employees on January 22nd, or more than a year later than planned.



I knew it!! Nooooo!

I can still open one!

Do it!

Timing is everything!

Cool! Have been waiting a while to see how this goes.

It’s curious that the first real implementation of this technology is being introduced at the consumer purchasing side. I would’ve expected they’d be selling it to retailers as analytics/flow optimisation software first.

Surely there’s an opportunity to roll it out to existing large retailers who want more info about their customers?


Retailers can install a self check out ATM machine that scans item.. receives payment.. updates inventory and clears the security tag. .. prints receipt.

I mean, we have self checkout already. What amazon is doing is a whole other level

News just in: #Amazon will launch a #cryptocurrency or at the very least an exchange in #2018

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