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RE: The Attack on Syria

in #news6 years ago

All you say here is very true, and something I note with suspicion about the dancing in the street is that the story appears to be highly coordinated across multiple outlets. This is very suspicious to me, and reminds me of the recent video showing a great many Sinclair news outlets all talking about fake news being dangerous for our democracy, using exactly the same script.

There is propaganda being spun. Of that I have no doubt.

The clincher for me is Putin. He's not a poker player. He doesn't bluff. Russia stated prior to the attack that it would respond militarily to any attack, including against sources of missile launches.

Russia did not engage any sources of Allied launches. Putin also didn't just sit on his hands and observe the attack. He ordered a coordinated attack against terrorists during that attack. He could not have done this without absolute confidence that what happened would happen.

Another corroboration is that over 100 cruise missiles were launched by the US, and I have not heard of one fatality resulting from that. I have heard that 6 people were wounded. That is almost unbelievable, that such a powerful attack could result in so little damage to the Syrian people.

All I can do is look at what I can see, and judge therefrom. I cannot speak for Jones, but note that his initial reactions are based on very early reports that could have not related all of this information, since most of it is only available in the aftermath of the attack. Had the only information I had been that the US was launching cruise missile attacks on Syria, I probably would have sang a duet with Jones.

Once you begin a journey on a particular path, it is more difficult to switch to a different path than it is to simply start your journey on a different path. I wasn't encumbered by first reports of military action in my consideration of the information I received. Jones is far better informed than I, and was. More than this I cannot say.


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