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RE: DIY Facial Recognition and Porn

in #news5 years ago

"...thinking that you or anyone like you can spend your life dictating to anyone how they choose to live every single moment..."

Don't project. I've never made any such claim of judgment. In fact, throughout this conversation I've been at pains to point out that I do not make any such judgments. I have repeatedly stated that it was my hope that this brings you and yours benefits greater than any hardships you might suffer.

"I on the other hand shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of never ending peering eyes..."

How can that be possible when the government already has cameras everywhere and uses facial recognition tech? I can't do anything about that. Physics determines what does or does not have potential to exist, and people make what can be made. You have a choice though. You can take advantage of what exists, or you can let others take advantage of it and not do so. The whole point I make in the OP and in conversation with you is that YOU now have that power over government and other criminals (like stalkers), and are no longer simply subject to it.

I don't have any choice about what exists. I never gave anyone any control over that. It's utterly delusional to claim I do, or that the universe and physics should or should not grant you privacy. The choice you have is to grant criminals the ability to prey on you unidentified by not using FR technology, or to use it and protect yourself. That's not something I did to you. All I did is tell you that this has happened, and that you can benefit from it.

I do not make the universe you're in, nor do I make your choices. What I have pointed out to you is that you have choices you didn't have before. Cameras exist, and facial recognition software exists. Given those facts - over which I have no control whatsoever - you can choose to use that technology to prevent criminals from preying on you, or you can fail to use it to protect yourself from criminals. All I have said is that individual people - civilians, and not only corrupt governments - are going to use this technology, and that when they do you will be safer.

Deny the facts however you want. Blaming me for them reveals that you are delusional. While I'm sorry you suffer from the inability to grasp reality, it isn't my fault, and I do not accept your blame for it. I didn't do it. You might as well blame your sister for it. She has a lot more experience with using cameras to show people doing things they wouldn't do in public than I do.

"I don't have to worry about the government watching every single move I make..."

Whether you worry about it or not, government uses the myriad cameras it has access to and FR now. All I'm discussing is private individuals gaining that similar power over criminals and government spooks. Are you completely in denial about these facts?

In fact, I suspect that's why you're attacking me over this, because it's a way of shifting blame for what's happening from your family to somebody else. Are you really going to refuse to take advantage of this opportunity to benefit from learning from consequences of actions how to avoid harm by blaming others? Because that's what you're doing here. Failing to learn will leave you vulnerable to exactly the same consequences in the future.

I can't stop you from doing that. Only you can.


"All I'm discussing is private individuals gaining that similar power over criminals and government spooks"

Look, what I am saying is that outside of using FR at huge outdoor events like football games or concerts to keep people safe there has always been a huge outcry for it's use by government. We have something less evasive then that here where cops can scan license plates as they are driving by them and in most locations across the country there is no requirement that these law enforcement agencies erase data that is collected on the whereabouts of innocent people, the technology is used to find people with warrants, outstanding tickets and other various civil infractions...but what gives them a right to store data of the whereabouts of innocent people? Things like this isn't just a concern for me but for many others who protested until our city commission came up with policies geared toward the erasure of data that didn't get any hits. What you fail to see though is is that Americans don't want this and the government knows it, letting private entities install this technology is a round about way for the government to implement the system that one day they will be able to use or even hack into to use. So lets go back to my sister again, lets say, as they have done here a few years ago with strip joints whereas they said woman no longer can go topless, that the government or a city government says it will be against the law for anyone to do such on a if FR becomes wide spread and unregulated law enforcement trackers can match up her profile using FR and put her on a hit list to watch for....all because she done something before that was legal. Granted the use of these systems do catch criminals but they can be used to track the whereabouts of innocent people, or what anyone is up to given that matter, anything...opening this can of worms gives the government/law enforcement the right to go back and track your every movement for years and could even be used in nefarious ways if all of a sudden a cop or someone who works for the government decides they don't like you, they could make your life a living hell. The same holds true of private individuals who'd want to do the same thing if this snowballed and I think it will snowball because the government wants it to. What about domestic abuse victims who move to hide from an abuser, they could get the technology and use it also, what you see as a positive to keep a minute portion of the population in check could end up hurting many more people down the line. It is not our job to stop or instill fear into people from doing the things they chose to do by humiliating and outing them as the hookers in the article, that's law enforcement's job if they are breaking the law it shouldn't be used as a vigilante type tool, once you open that can of worms there is no going back.

I do not disagree that government and nefarious persons could misuse FR tech to abuse the public. The problem is that government has it now. It's not a theoretical future asset. Last month a guy in England was fined $90 for covering his face when police tried to use FR to identify him (or whatever kind of monopoly money they use in foreign lands). That cat is out of the bag. All the concerns you have about government misusing this are valid.

They are already happening.

What is happening now is that individual private civilians like you and I are now able to use this technology too. Where before government had more power because they could use it on us, yet they could hide their badge and commit crimes without being identifiable, now they cannot do that anymore unless they cover their face too. Covering their faces makes them look like they're going to commit a crime, and at least people will spot them in the act. If they set up a cross on your lawn and your home security cameras catch them in the act, they can be identified without their KKK hoods. If stalkers lurk outside your house, your FR software can spot them because the same face is lurking outside your house, even if you personally don't spot them. You don't have to be a vigilante to be safe from them. You can just be forewarned they are out there, and not go out there where you could be hurt by them until after you have called a friend to come and escort you, or police to ask them why they're out there. That's not vigilante RWDS's. That's just being forewarned of danger and being able to avoid it.

Burglars, robbers, rapists, etc. all can be identified, or at least their faces known, if they are caught on camera. If the public then share identifiable images of perps via social media, the next time that perp shows their face to a FR enabled civilian camera, the potential victims can be safe from their criminal acts because their FR system can alert them to the criminal. Given your personal dilemma - which was not caused by FR tech - lurkers can be prevented from causing your family problems by being identified if they are hanging around outside your home, and since you are experiencing a problem with stalking this is an ideal solution to that potential problem for your family.

Whether or not we like it doesn't even matter. There's no way we could pry this out of the government's hands, although I do note that only recently recommendations are being made that government use should be limited, and I certainly agree that it should be. There is no reason that our whereabouts should be tracked without some probable cause, and it is certain that covert and overt agencies are doing this just because they can. But there's no way to put this genie back in the bottle. The tech exists, and government has it now.

They're going to have it. Since that is the case, we should have it too, and when civilians have it, civilians have the power to prevent crime by ordinary criminals, as well as hold government agents accountable for criminal acts, and even prevent covert actors from planting bugs, combing through trash, or other surveillance activities like cross burning that RWDS's might commit. This dramatically improves the security of free people in the grip of tyrannical government for many reasons.

We should limit government's use of it, without a doubt. We should also have it to make sure criminals and government are caught when they try to commit crimes. We're going to have it too. Since that increases the power and security of private civilians, that's a good thing in many ways, and particularly for your family. Bad actors will use it in bad ways, just like muggers in England misuse pointy sticks. That doesn't mean the Bobbies should seize pointy sticks from people in England as they are doing today. It means that people with FR tech whose private cameras identify people misusing pointy sticks can stop them from committing muggings, and be safer on the street. FR tech can prevent you from being mugged by a perp by alerting you to the perp before you could avoid walking towards them and coming within range once that face has been made available to you by concerned citizens via social media.

It doesn't matter if we like it or not, just as it doesn't matter if we like mornings or not. Physics make it possible, and we should take advantage of the benefits of it to the degree possible, while doing what we can to prevent misuse of it. I completely agree that we should undertake to prevent people from misusing it by setting reasonable rules.

But we can't make the sun stop shining, and we should not try. Sometimes you have to wake up and smell the coffee, and face the bright glare of reality even if you want to roll over and hide in bed. In the long run, it is a good thing for private civilians to have the same power to identify bad actors that government already has. It is a good thing to check the power of government to misuse FR to make us afraid, and we should do so, as well as limit the ability of stalkers and the like to misuse it privately. We should do that, and I am confident we will. But we should also use it to keep our families safe, and particularly where the threat of stalkers is elevated, FR tech is extremely useful and beneficial to our security.

I hope you are able to benefit from this far more than it might harm you. I can't prevent it from existing, and neither can you, anyone, nor even all of us. What we can do is limit misuse, and take advantage of the benefits it can provide, and that's what we should do.

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