RE: Google: Beyond Good and "Don't Be Evil"
"...another fake ginned up fear."
The number of Americans killed by police is not a BLM fiction.
"Their power is far from arbitrary, it is very very clearly defined"
Perhaps you have not been understanding what I have written about my experiences. I have seen illegal acts committed by such forces, know of others I did not personally witness, and have credible evidence of far more, and this since my beardless youth.
I note you didn't watch the @larkenrose video, as it would disprove your thesis that simply not violating the law precluded being pulled over, or that being pulled over was no threat to safety..
You also remain in denial that being hijacked by real road pirates in America happens daily. May it never happen to you as it has to me.
Regarding security technology emerging and recent, you can discover much with some searching and a bit of thought. I will mention some old and relatively unthreatening vectors that you can further research, like Henricus Loos, Jose Delgado, and the like.
Have fun!
Strawman, I didn't say it was.
LOL, now who is being deceptive and using disinformation tactics? Depending on the year you cherry pick the number of Americans killed by terrorists is very very low, is it less than lightning? Whenever someone uses any sort of statistic where they don't say what the actual numbers are they are being misleading, it's like saying that marijuana driving fatalities are up 300%.
You have a better chance of winning the lottery than any of those things, if you want to worry about something worry about heart disease, it can be caused by too much worrying and kills 400 times as many Americans as your number of those killed by police.
What is that number anyhow and what percent of those were totally justified cases of self defense?
Great, sue them. Report those things to the appropriate authorities, of course there are unending anecdotes of police abuses, just like the unending anecdotes of gun misuse. Those are illegal acts, the individuals who perpetrate them can and should be held accountable for them.
Blaming police or government in general is like blaming guns in general.
My friend in high school was harassed mercilessly by the police, he won a $10,000 lawsuit against them. If you let them get away with it they will get away with it.
No, I watched that guys video before and when I commented on it he got all mad and insulting and hit me with a giant downvote. He not secure or stable enough for me to chat with on here. I have been pulled over due to racial profiling, since I wasn't actually doing anything wrong I went on my way, when was the last time you were pulled over?
Maybe I am confused, are you calling the police "road pirates"? I had a cop actually steal from me once, does that mean all cops are bad?
Like I said, I did have a cop steal from me one time, so what?
nah, its a silly fantasy world where you believe you could possess a technology that could render your home impenetrable.
Looks like you are.
People I know are dead because they were murdered by the police. I ain't BLM, and din't gin up nothin'. I'm not particularly eager to see my kids used (again) to extort my compliance.
You'll be safe as long as you're suitably obedient.
Did you sue them and get justice?
No, you did not.
Impenetrable is not a word I used. I actually used the words 'tarpaper shack'. Impenetrable and secure aren't synonyms.
Do you expect that technology publicly demonstrated in the '60s is not more mature today? That tech exists, is trivially inexpensive, and won't be long unavailable to the public.
Denial isn't a river in Egypt.
Did you report the murder? I had a friend who died while fleeing the police, do you count that as a murder? Is that their fault or his? It can be hard to follow your posts because you use euphemisms and hyperbole, like "road pirates".
You are parroting their silly rhetoric verbatim. BLM uses that same statistic, you know that right? But its stupid if you think about it, basically the equivalent of "We got a huge problem man, this thing I am trying to make look scary is killing even more people than sharks man, this is huge!"
I note you are avoiding claiming an actual number, how many people were killed by police according to your sources in say, 2001?
Your kids were used to extort your compliance with what exactly?
Why shouldn't you obey traffic laws?
In fact I had the last laugh.
Don't make up lies about me.
Yet you won't say what this magical technology is that can ensure your home is secure from an armed assault by mechanized infantry.
Denial isn't a river in Egypt.
Says the guy who can't avoids answering questions.
LOL 'Hey, guys, you killed that guy, stole his cocaine, and are selling it from the police station.'
I am literally laughing out loud.
You realize you are trivializing the fact - that you don't deny - that The War Against Terror (TWAT) is perhaps the primary political driver of USG foreign and domestic policy today. You know it, see the proof that TWAT is more deadly to Americans than the problem it is supposed to be solving, and still defend the supposed 'solution'.
It's looking more and more like a Final Solution to me. As I said, I'm agin' it. American civilians prevent more crimes than police. Police probably commit more crimes than criminals without badges.
Perhaps the best course of action to promote American freedom and felicity would be to disband and criminalize government armed forces on American soil. I totally am serious and completely support that proposal.
My silence. This is why I don't reveal certain personally identifiable information, such as the last time I was stopped by police, on a publicly auditable blockchain. Pseudonymity protects my children from harm.
Who says I was talking about traffic laws? However, since you insist on trivializing the armed force that is a lethal threat imposed on civilians traveling on their native soil, I should point out that if the threat of lethal force is used to compel use of blinkers, and that is of little import, then nominally defending themselves against that threat should be of equally little import.
Why should civilians be at risk of death for traffic infractions?
The petty excuse you provided for not acknowledging that traffic infractions are no more than Letters of Marque and Reprisal allowing piracy on the open roads is insufficient to absolve your pretense of ignorance. The data is on offer, and you are responsible to understand it, or be properly disregarded in turn as you are deliberately ignoring facts in order to pretend they don't exist.
This remains valid regarding the various and sundry technologies potentiating individual and community security I have alluded to, since you pretend they don't exist by refusing to examine the sources I provided to point to some few of them.
Why even bother to pretend you are having a serious discussion with significance to folks when your primary tactic is intentionally manufactured ignorance of the facts? Surely you must recognize that anyone, and particularly me, observes that this is your strategy to 'win' debate.
I don't care if you like the facts, and I don't care if I do. I simply investigate such data as is able to be acquired, and consider the facts on the ground.
If you won't, quit bothering to pretend your opinion has any merit, because opinion based on deliberate ignorance has no merit whatsoever.
In such a case any number of state and federal law enforcement agencies would be all over that, when cops get busted doing that they throw the book at them and then they really get theirs in prison. There is no statute of limitations on murder, you could still report it if the cops are still alive.
You realize that the war on terror is a scam and that terrorists don't kill very many Americans domestically don't you? The war on drugs affects a lot more Americans than the war on terror, how many Americans are locked up on drug charges? How many on terror charges? How many on murder charges?
Why are you helping perpetrate the scam of the war on terror by pretending and using statistics that imply that many Americans are killed by terrorists.
How many Americans killed by cops in 2001?
You realize that you still haven't thrown out an actual number and are still trying desperately to be misleading?
Here is another bogus statistic:
Oh, how many? See how you don't say? How exactly did they count how many crimes didn't happen?
So you think that without any government police forces Americas 1.5 million drug gang members wouldn't run amuck?
Who kills more Americans now, drug gang members or the police forces we should disband?
About a third of the people your "road pirates" pull over are drunk, those drunk drivers kill tens of thousands of Americans annually, none of those are justifiable homicides, what percentage of those killed by police are totally justified cases of self defense?
You keep avoiding that, why?
False, it's usually like a $30 ticket, this is you veering into crazy hyperbole again, find me a statute in any state where police are authorized to shoot people for not using their blinker. I bet people not using their blinker probably causes more fatal accidents than those killed by police but I don't have any numbers on that.
they aren't. They are at risk of traffic citations, there are no moving violations that are capital offenses.
Why even bother to pretend you are having a serious discussion with significance to folks when your primary tactic is intentionally manufactured ignorance of the facts?
that's what I keep wondering! You seem desperate to avoid actual facts and numbers.
No you don't, what is the opposite of that? What you have actually been doing is blindly regurgitating half baked propaganda and avoided answering any questions about it.
You continue to feign ignorance that government is power, corruption seeks power, and has assumed the powers of government through centuries of infiltration in America.
In every jurisdiction I have resided in America, I have encountered endemic corruption in LEAs. Perhaps this is because I do not simply conform to edicts, but challenge those that seek to constrain my liberty.
Your pretense that it is perfectly safe to use criminally corrupt agencies to rein in other criminally corrupt agencies is ludicrous, and has been shown by my personal experience to be existentially dangerous.
I will ignore further protestations based on your own feigned ignorance of actual deadly force wielded by agencies corrupted by criminal enterprises over generations of cunning effort.
You're just making stuff up now. If you wish to make such a statement, do. Don't pretend I did.
Again, you speak from deliberate ignorance of the consequences of lethal force being brought to bear on traffic offenses.
The ticket for not using your blinkers may be resolved by a fine, but the cop pulling you over can just shoot you.
Why else would you pull over for a road pirate extorting money from you?
Deny this happens at peril of demonstrating support for tyranny. Armed force is used to enforce traffic stops. Armed force IS an existential threat. Pretend that threat doesn't matter, and accept that nominal defense from that existential threat is equally trivial.
I leave it to you to do your own research. I have done it. The number of defensive actions undertaken by American civilians each year is in public data that is available to you to cite at will.
The data exists. You ignore it, as far as I can tell, strategically.
Drug gangs are the creations of government. Here's how: in the 19th century free people in America were but little constrained regarding what they consumed personally.
Over time the profitability of black markets drove prohibitions to be imposed by government, and the rise of drug gangs was instituted.
I point out in prior discussion that I have personal knowledge that police forces ARE the actual drug gangs committing the murders you cite.
You clearly advocate the status quo of criminal imposition of despotic tyranny in America. You refuse to look at sources of data, and claim it doesn't exist over and over.
Enjoy the fruits of your ignorance. I assure you, they are bitter indeed.
Exactly, you are creating it, that's how you know it is just you. We don't have too many "edicts" in America, except for the AG trying to ban guns here, I don't think that one is going to hold up.
Nope, they are not allowed to do that. Most of the time they don't even give a ticket, most of the time they will give you a warning for that. If that happened they would get in just much trouble or more than if you shot someone for no reason. How come you won't say how many people are shot by police total or how many out of those were totally legit cases of self defense?
Would the number not be very big? Is that why you will only reference it in relation to another statistically small number?
LOL, well that number varies from 50,000 a year to 4 million a year depending on who you ask. Using a gun equals preventing a crime, are you using the same metric for how many times the police are estimated to pull their guns, is that how the police prevent crimes, with defensive gun use?
Just consider what you are trying to determine, a number of things that didn't happen, it's impossible.
What is possible and rather easy is to determine the number of people murdered by not police and the number of people killed by police.
Your theory that the 1.5 million gang members in America would stop killing each other if all we did was get rid of the police.
If we got rid of the police then how would I enjoy Live PD every week? It's about the funniest show on television right now. I think you would be pretty surprised if you watched it, you feed on all the negative stories about cops, Live PD is live and totally random, some of the cops are assholes but others are not, I am always surprised at the people they don't arrest, I think you might be too.
Well, I reckon if challenging TPTB is considered a good reason to be targeted by police, police are thugs.
Look. I've known a lot of cops on a personal level, since my earliest youth. One or two have deeply impressed me as some of the most moral and upright people I've met, and I yet maintain a friendship with one whom I greatly respect.
All of the rest of them were criminals, from those that killed people and sold their drugs, to those that gave me booze when I was a child.
They very often do things they are not 'allowed' to do, because they can get away with anything. You are fortunate to not have experienced the events that would have made that obvious to you..
If you're really interested in how many people cops shoot in America each year, the Guardian published a detailed article about it, with pictures of the slain, and descriptions of how they died. IIRC, the number of Americans killed by cops each year is ~1000. Don't cite that as authoritative, it's merely a vague recollection.
Cops almost never, ever prevent crimes. They generally are involved (officially) after a crime has been committed.
Civilians almost exclusively prevent crime in America, and not always with guns. Most gun use during conflict is intended to prevent crime, however. Such lawful uses of personal arms are orders of magnitude more common than criminal shootings. I think we agree on that.
Not my theory. Not even close. To eliminate drug gangs we'd need to end prohibitions against drugs and return American law to what it was prior to the 20th Century, as Portugal and other nations are now.
I reckon it's time.
use numbers like this:
Go ahead. Cite data unrelated to the discussion at hand, and continue to not reveal data that is relevant.
Ultimately the point of my comments here, indeed, of my life, is that the edifices of power that currently plague humanity are obsolete and that we will be free as technology continues to increase the ability of individuals to meet their needs without needing vampiric parasites to provide them.
I am not alone in this belief.
Regardless of whether you agree, whether you like it, or how deeply you plunge your fingers into your ears and how loudly you chant 'lalala' to drowned out the facts, this is what will happen.
Seek to reveal my identity, to enable covert actors to end my speech, my work, and my life, without impacting the reality that such oppression is obsolete. Avoid the relevant data that is publicly and easily available to you without consequence to that trend. Pretend that handing over our security to provably dangerous and criminally corrupt gangs is beneficial, and you will but speed the adoption of actual security by those victimized by those thugs.
Ultimately freedom is a state of mind and whether you can achieve it or not has very little to do with outside forces. If you see a police officer and fear a "road pirate" is going to "kidnap" you that is in your head, I see a cop and completely ignore them and they completely ignore me.