RE: Michigan Man Fighting For The Right To Educate Others About Jury Nullification
Jury nullification is the last real vestige of democracy--the rule of the people--as the 'free press' is not free at all, but quite expensive, and has been purchased by the highest bidders, elections are extremely fraudulent, and the candidates (as the DNC has proved in open court) purchased as well.
It is because juries are competent to rule--not judges, who are merely to serve the purpose of ensuring juries follow the law--that there can be said to be any democratic government left in America at all.
The Fully Informed Jury Association is a vitally important organization, dedicated to retaining the last shreds of democracy extant in America, and restoring juries to their primacy as the voice of the people, and arbiters of justice.
There are numerous ways in which juries are suborned, deprived of their authority, and degraded by the courts. Judges and prosecutors have increased their power at the expense of juries, and thus of the people, continually, and by every possible means.
Further, juries are avoided at practically all costs, and more than 95% of criminal adjudications are resolved by plea bargain rather than trial by jury in America. Plea bargains are an insidious crime against humanity, whereby extortion and blackmail become the pre-eminent means of securing convictions, rather than the facts of the cases.
Plea bargains should be prohibited by SCOTUS, and all convictions secured thereby struck down and either actual trials instated, or charges dropped.
The vast conspiracy to jail Americans enabled by plea bargains; the unprecedented numbers of Americans subjected to enslavement and violent coercion; the vile profiteering of for profit prison corporations, and the insane and oppressive power of police, penal, and legal institutions would be ended, and our people take a great leap forward in freedom.
No other act could more decrease the government oppression of Americans.