
How do you think Epstein was exposed and arrested? This entire affair is nothing more than factional struggle among various power players in the people's democratic republic of 'Murica. The so-called "victims" are nothing more than opportunists changing loyalty or patsies of opposing factions. Whether Epstein committed suicide or died from natural causes is irrelevant to the fact of factional reorganisation within the power matrix of the US. It benefits not the ordinary people to help one faction purge another. The "free" people ought to use their resources on more productive efforts.

I completely agree with your statement here, except that we cannot profit from their power struggle. That we can even know that Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and Ehud Barak were involved is due to the weapons they deploy against each other in that struggle, and solidifies the narrative that intelligence agencies are executing brownstone ops to extort politicians and keep them in the pockets of those in charge of intelligence agencies.

It's a truism that even dragons can be slain if but one chink in their armor fails them. Here we see the soft white underbelly of that dragon that terrorizes us all, the globalist banksters twisting the strings that control our governments, exposed without any armor at all.

Your greatest fear is that free people slay that dragon, and thereafter prosper, and leave that legacy of freedom and prosperity to their posterity. You must be alternating between trembling in fear, and shaking with rage, bashing your head on the wall of failures that separate overlords from security.

Given the propensity of 'the muck' you so often characterize people as to ignore such opportunities and meekly huddle in their figurative corrals, I reckon you have little to fear. Still, Hong Kong, France, and historical events must keep you awake at night.

Get some sleep.

The only thing "free" people do in these "protests" in the West is burn their own homes and destroy their own economy. I gather the loot from the piracy of Somali "free" men are prosperity enough for the humanist muck you champion. When proper authority loses control of the leash that keep the muck in check, human society descends into chaos. No prosperity or security is ever achieved by allowing "free" men to rampage unrestrained. Any rational human being would fear a world devastated by ignorant, ungrateful, entitled, parasitic muck, drunk on too much license, to bring hell on Earth.

Thankfully, France, Hong Kong, Syria, Sudan, etc are merely circus shows used by internal political factions to consolidate power. Humanity can not afford another humanist upheaval, while global climate change devastates ecology and society. Men ought to know their place.

Your entire diatribe is completely true, and exactly why overlords whose unchecked power cannot be tolerated. For it is not being free to rule yourself that empowers men to undertake the actions you revile, but ruling over others.

All the nations you cite are representative of the vile crimes of them you espouse as our betters, in truth worse than scavenging dogs in a plague, because they are the plague.

"Free to rule yourself," like the humanist ideal Jeffrey Epstein? Here was a man "free" from all social conventions and rules, who defended his "rights" from the evil 'gubermint for decades. All the freedom-loving humanists must be outraged that the evil 'gubermint dared to prosecute a man for exercising his "rights" and "freedom." In humanist freetopia, villains rise to fame and scum ascend to rule.

You completely mischaracterize Epstein as merely a free man. He was one of the overlords, as his associations reveal, and the actions he undertook are those commonly undertaken by such.

You rant against free men being subject to such vermin and make of yourself a ridiculous spectacle. Your failure to recognize the global extent and nefarious acts of those vermin, while laying that evil at the feet of their victims, would be laughable, were it not for the brutality of the harm suffered by the victims.

Now you are advocating for the rape of children by obfuscating the responsibility of those who do it.

For shame.

People believe whatever they want to believe. You want license to behave according to your whims and tendencies without any consequences. Thus, you tirelessly apologise for Rousseau's ludicrous premise of "natural goodness" of man. The only evil, under your humanist premise, arises from society, religion, government - notice all social institutions that restrain the base impulses of the muck.

Nevermind the fact that Mr. Epstein lived his life according to your cherished premise of being "free" from artificial constraints of social institutions, which you humanists denigrate with every breath you can muster. Nevermind the fact that Mr. Epstein used all means available to him in combatting the social institutional forces that sought to limit his "rights," as you advocate in your diatribe against 'gubermint via weapons produced from 3D printers, ideological subversion, and any available means to preserve "free" men's "soverign autocracy." Nevermind that Mr. Epstein is the ideal model for the humanist peasant muck to emulate in their rebellion against their betters. The only difference between Mr. Epstein and the rest of the humaniat muck you champion is that Mr. Epstein preferred 15yo females to your muck deeming 16 the age of "consent."

Men need to be governed. Allow men license to behave according to their whims, and Mr. Epsteins of the world would be the least of humanity's worries.

Keep the story in people's minds... The more pressure the better

''massive international government corruption''

Yes that is exactly what we are looking at.
Makes me wonder what some people here really represent.

Yup, and they forced him to do his will two days prior to his death and have it filed, that shows he wasn't thinking about dying at all. /s Like I said it was psychological warfare, it was to high a profile case for straight out murder.

I think you need to put the bottle down sometimes or quit smoking weed.

Given that when he filed his will he was still being housed with cellie Nick Tartaglione, a massively built ex-cop and gangster, charged with 4 murders, who Epstein had alleged had assaulted him weeks before, I doubt Epstein didn't have his demise on his mind. 24/7/365.



You're insulting instead of convincing. That is a sign of someone supporting a weak argument. In fact, you present no argument beyond 'Dude LMAO'.

Get real.

Yet I am came closest to be correct then all the conspiracies out there. Like I said the first choking was just a it or we'll do it for you. Removal of his cell mate had to occur to make it believable he committed suicide...doesn't mean he didn't say in Arnold fashion..I'll be back. You are just jealous some people can see how they played this out without having throw in a pizza tale without a working link. Sure they set it all up, made everyone look like stumbling idiots....but that was part of the plan.

I zero in on the one intelligible phrase in your comment here...'without a working link.' What link have I provided that does not work?

Your zorro ranch link. Of course you'll claim one phrase as intelligible because you don't have a defense against the rest.

I appreciate very much your informing me that the link was shoah'd.

About all I can do is to show that it was a valid link, as reported here on the Wayback Machine.

Interesting that The Independent took down their story revealing Epstein's desire to breed dozens of women at a time on his New Mexico property.


All anonymous sources or he told someone who told someone. Here we are with a childless dead pedophile, the stuff some people will believe and the media will peddle for profit. He may or probably mingled within the science community but if he had really wanted to impregnate twenty women I am sure he'd found a way to achieve that.

"... a childless dead pedophile..."


No one has searched the Zorro Ranch. That's the point of my post.

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