
keeping in mind that the Pharmaceutical Corporations ONLY make money when you are ill, what can you figure from a Virus that mutates faster than the CDC (who is also the largest holder of medicinal patents in the world) can identify and the early vaccines do more harm than good. Where is this pointing? More money for unproven, ineffective inoculations? Maybe?
Eat Healthy, Wash with PLAIN soap, not the "Anti Bacterial" kind (a virus is NOT bacterial in nature) and use as hot water as you can stand.
BE HEALTHY and you more than likely won't catch COVID-19..

Dr. Lyons-Weiler adds: don't touch your face, don't shake hands, don't hug and kiss when greeting ppl. Wipe down doorknobs, lightswitches, keypads, and etc. in public spaces with bleach before using them.

I am terrible about touching my face, mostly because I have long hair that gets in my eyes or irritates me. Plus I smoke cigars, so I'm constantly putting the butt in my mouth, twiddling with it, or etc. Imma die because I have so many bad habits lol.

I think my avatar is probably the only person that was ever worse about touching his face, as you can see from the pic. I honestly believe he's already dead though.


just remember, clean clear water and lots of plain soap, not the anti-bacterial kind. Healthy diet is a must and to help a topped up sinus, use peppermint tea. Also, don't get the shot, it is untested and causes lots of damage...

OMG!!!! I went to a celebration of Life yesterday, hugged no less than 5 people, kissed at least that many and shook hands with probably 3 times that!!!!! In the immortal words of "Charlie Brown" EEEEEEEKKK!!!

I have another Dr. app't tomorrow. Into the belly of the beast...

Kinda fantasizing about walking in the office with a spray bottle full of bleach and squirting everyone in the face.

Don't wanna go to jail though.

Shared dream!!! @valued-customer, Thanks for this,, I just got home from a celebration of life for my last good friend from school. I truly needed good humor!!!

CFR probably created COVID or know who did.

Multiple medical researchers and directors have indicated that the viral infection rate will likely slow during the summer months. I fail to understand how that statement is "propaganda" or malicious. They are correctly addressing the problems of globalised economy that results in over-dependence on one region for resources and manufacturing needs. Also, the panel addresses potential problems that could result from ludicrous anti-vax conspiracy nonsense that could hinder life-saving medical intervention. The medical specialist addresses the new form of RNA vaccine that could have some unexpected problems and ethical dilemmas. He also addresses the necessity of increasing availability of respiratory support machines and increasing the number of respiratory support staff. Also, the woman correctly points out that continuing vaccine and medical intervention post-epidemic would be necessary to fully control the disease.

The panelists correctly address the ability of the CCP to be able to institute longer-term monetary policy to alleviate the economic crisis resulting from the quarantine and isolation. The panel is observing that state control of economic infrastructure does have advantages in crisis situations; even the free 'Murica has provisions for the executive to nationalise critical industries and institutions in times of crisis. The reason that rational humans live in hierarchal social organisation is for survival during the times of crisis. The panel correctly addresses that the West has inadequate surveillance and prevention infrastructure to control and contain epidemics, thus the West must increase investment in prevention infrastructure.

The economist is not laughing at the fact China has and will have negative economic impact from the epidemic. They are laughing at the comment by the moderator stating the obvious. The economist was addressing that the question of interest is how much will the Chinese economic contract, not whether it will. This discussion is not some evil conspiracy that you attempt to portray, but merely informative panel to answer questions.

"Multiple medical researchers and directors have indicated that the viral infection rate will likely slow during the summer months. I fail to understand how that statement is "propaganda" or malicious."

That's well and widely known, and one of the participants expressed hope that the epidemic would slow down. You must not have watched the video, because one of the other panelists made a crack about that hope, and they all broke into laughter.

That doesn't strike me as particularly laughable, but you do you.

If you've seen the Event 201 highlights, the call for greater societal control is mirrored there, and includes again a mandate to prevent unauthorized information releases. However, as Li Wenliang proved, that free speech is utterly of existential import. Had folks that heard his warning acted, they might have lived.

It is censorship, called for by the CFR and Event 201 coordinators, heard and heeded by the WHO and China, that caused this epidemic, and is making it worse.

You're a fan boy of fascist overlords, so reason and facts will not sway you. You want to see jackboots on necks, and teeth spit into gutters. What's happening in China must make you happy. The complete depersonalization of hundreds of millions of people so that hierarchy you worship is granted total primacy over society is complete there. Welded into their homes, with broken services and without food, they die incapable of challenging your idols' power.

It is not the virus that kills them. It is your masters.

10% of the world's people are in quarantine. 20% of the world's manufacturing capacity is shut down. People starve from Kenya to Pakistan from the trillion locusts that have just reached China's border, and yet you cannot grant them the freedom to do what they must to live. This cruel quarantine is not effective. People see what it is: being locked into tombs. The clever ones flee for their lives, and take the virus with them. It is your cruelty, and that of your masters, that breaks this quarantine.

It seems these of our overlords seek to effect it elsewhere too. I can hardly imagine the cost in lives and treasure if they follow China's lead. It's a tragedy too horrible to contemplate now, but if it spreads like this plague, there will indeed be hell to pay.

It is horror like this you espouse with your advocacy for overlords, and what I will oppose while I live and breathe. One day humanity will be free, and our joy will be complete. No one will ask you what you want. You'll just have to figure that out for yourself.

Dear my American senior = @valued-customer .
I'm Korean, but I know the pride and arrogance of the Chinese. You call it a Chinese fascist, but you must call it a Chinese religion.

Are Chinese people who believe they are the center of the world to admit their weaknesses and backwardness?
After the fall of Rome, Europe and the New World split and developed, but China has been a Chinese civilization for thousands of years.

As you know, a number of immigrants conquered China, but were eventually absorbed by Chinese civilization. Just as the many immigrants who conquered China have turned into Chinese, the belief that the world is part of China dominates the Chinese.

My respected American senior @valued-customer . You call the Chinese fascists, but the Koreans call the Chinese fanatics.
What can you say to those who are fanatical to nationalist religion for thousands of years?

I agree. Statism is a religion, and is delaying the verdant blossoming of decentralization that will bring freedom and prosperity to our people. This barbaric relic of prehistory will ultimately be overcome. Our posterity will inherit the stars.


Only those of your "fweedom" zealots subscribing to Alex Jones style paranoia would perceive the panel discussion above as some looney conspiracy gathering. Restricting false information designed to cause panic, during a time of a health crisis, is not "censorship of tyranny," but responsible and rational governance. Only those of your ilk, blind to the realities of circumstance by their fanatical devotion to "fweedom," would whine about government policies intended to minimise social harm. The panel does not even advocate restriction of blatantly ridiculous ideas - i.e. anti-vaxx - from public discourse, but discusses possible methods to overcome misinformation and fear-mongering of the anti-vaxx paranoia.

The spread of this epidemic has been limited to a few cities and isolated cases in a handful of countries because of the "tyrannical" measures by the CCP. I am sure your "fweedom" ilk would not be satisfied, unless the disease spread far and wide via unrestricted movement of people, but thankfully, rational minds prevailed in China. The riots in Hong Kong due to lack of government control in tempering social panic, while may be a paragon of social governance in the modern degenerate West, does not correlate to rational governance in most civilised societies.

Men need decisive leadership in times of crisis, or they degenerate into irrational beasts, as you can readily observe in Hong Kong. It is to the benefit of humanity that feckless mongrels and populist prostitutes, who only know how to parrot second-rate humanists, are not in positions of power in China at this time. Otherwise, this epidemic would have spread to all of Asia and beyond. The duty of rulers is to make hard choices that the peasant scum can not and will not.

It is obvious that overlords protecting their prerogative are the greatest threat to humanity today, and this epidemic, caused by the CCP itself when it censored Li Wenliang's warning that there was an outbreak of a new disease, is all the proof necessary to people capable of rational thought.

Being in denial of this fact, you prove you aren't rational. Every falsehood that forms your deranged rants simply indicts the masters you obsequiously idolize to your existential risk.

Despite no one of sound mind will agree, you soldier on, marching to your doom, because it doesn't matter to you who have condemned yourself to intellectual death already. Rational people will learn facts, know the truth, and live free.

You cannot.

Prosperity and joy is the fruit of factual understanding, and death and destruction the result of deceit and ignorance.

What do we observe in China today? 760 million people brutally victimized by barbarians, 10% of the world's population. The fruit of your philosophy.

It is political and social stability that fosters prosperity. Your "fweedom" tend to result in instability, misery, and chaos. China is under "brutal" tyranny? Why stop there. According to your definition of "fweedom" and "tyranny," the entire human race that live under any organised system of government live under "slavery" and "tyranny." I suppose only those subsisting in the jungles of the Amazon would be "fwee" from "tyranny. Actually, even those who live in tribal structures in the deep Amazon jungle have a system of social hierarchy and government - ie an institutionalised system/tradition to settle disputes. It seems that no human being is truly "fwee" as you deem it.

Only Alex Jones' disciples would consider the above rational panel discussion by experts as a conspiracy gathering. Prevention of social panic by control of misinformation and incomplete facts is "evil censorship." According to you, every society ought to provide unrestricted platform to those who spread misinformation and conspiracy theories, thereby destabilising society, undermining rational governance, and detracting from the common sum of human knowledge. Only in a "fwee" society would the subjects believe that the Earth is flat, reptilian aliens rule the world, vaccines cause cancer, biology changes depending on the state of mind, and other lunacies propagated by intentional or authentic idiots. "Fweedom" breeds idiocracy.

Here is your idiocracy, courtesy of exactly what you advocate.

Let reality penetrate the political shields that insulate your reason. I know you can do it.

I hope you do.

Indeed, these are the idiocracy born of "fweedom" you so advocate. When the iron fist of the central government loosens due to epidemics, the true nature of your beloved peasant scum is illuminated. Without effective central control and enforcement, men devolve into beasts. It is you, and your "fweedom" zealots, who fail to recognise reality; you are made blind and deaf that "though seeing [you] do not see, and hearing [you] do not hear or understand." Having made yourselves into gods to dictate to Heaven your whims as law, overcome by self-worship and narcissism, you "call evil good and good evil . . . turn darkness into light and light into darkness . . . turn bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter."

The reforms of Deng have clearly failed in creating sociocultural stability. Would these peasants have acted thus, had the CCP continued Mao's cultural revolution? That is the central question the politburo will be contemplating, once Xi's factional battle with his various enemies concludes. The next politburo standing committee, regardless of the victor of the current political infighting, will not be so forgiving and open as the current regime.

WTF. What was that evil laugh in unison, when they started talking about the effect the virus would have on the Chinese economy. It seems that they are more amused by the whole thing rather than concerned. Or maybe somewhat impressed with the effect the virus is having. Very telling indeed. It almsost sounds like they are analysing an experiment, rather than an unexpected virus outbreak. Hmmmm. Am I reading to much into that? I haven't really kept up to date on the whole thing, so maybe you can enlighten me somewhat!


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