Vegas: Woman Who Heard Warning That 'You Are All Going To Die Tonight' 45 mins Before Shooting Started Has Been Found On Facebook. Why Is She Not A Focus Of Media Coverage As A Witness?

in #news7 years ago

As I reported early on, a female witness claimed shortly after the shooting to have heard a hispanic female who had pushed to the front of the crowd saying words to the effect of "You're all going to die tonight". Thanks to social networking, this witness has been identified.. But where is the investigation into her testimony?

Here's the original video that surfaced not long after the shooting:

Breanna Hendricks

According to the Daily Mail the witness's name is Breanna Hendricks and she was in Las Vegas to celebrate her 21st birthday:

a woman had entered the crowd with a male companion and screamed 'They're all around... You're all going to f***ing die today' just 45 minutes before the gunfire broke out.

The woman was described as being Hispanic and in her 50s; she and the man were escorted out of the venue by security.

Witness Breanna Hendricks, who was in Vegas celebrating her 21st birthday, said: 'There was a lady who came running up behind us in the concert and she started to play with people's hair acting crazy and she told us that we're all going to f***ing die.

'She said they're all around us and we were going to die,' continued Hendricks, whose mom Shawn Hendricks also witnessed the startling altercation.

'She was Hispanic, probably about 5ft 5, brown hair. It felt like she had knowledge of what was about to happen, her and her boyfriend who was also Hispanic.

'The woman was saying her boyfriend couldn't breathe so they could get through the crowd.

'It seemed she was telling us to either warn us or she was part of it and she was telling us because she knew we were going to die, it was so scary.'

Found on Facebook

Given that the interest from researchers in learning whether the various witnesses are 'real' or some kind of fake actors - it might be helpful to share that Breanna is on Facebook - though she appears to have not been featured in any publicly released media reports after the initial event.

There's not much to see on her profile, but I did find her own group on Facebook which is dedicated to breeding goats:

Baca Boers is a small town business based out of a farm in Springfield Colorado. I started investing in 2013 when I was a junior in high school and have been breeding and raising boer goats since. We currently have 24 does and 3 billies. All of the stock are 100% boer goats but are not registered. I have had grand and reserve champions out of the stock in previous years. We have babies every January and are ready to be sold in April. Make sure to claim yours and reserve goats earlier than April to guarantee a goat.

Why the media silence?

Given that the mainstream media is very well known (proven in countless ways) to do the bidding of their owners and handlers for government propaganda departments it is worth paying attention to this subject closely.

If the two hispanic people that Breanna identified really did try to warn the people there of what was coming, how did they know? One possibility is that they worked in the hotel and somehow found out about the planned attack, but were unable or unwilling to warn police - was that because they knew that some police or government agents were involved in some way?

The possibility of real people being killed to further a political agenda in a form of 'false flag' attack is one that has many precedents - and, indeed, i wrote recently about 53 admitted false flag attacks that demonstrate this exact tactic being used - and particularly by US government agencies. The question then becomes, not whether the US government would kill Americans to further a political aim and then blame someone else - but DID they do that IN this case!

In a 'normal' case such as this, where a group has a long history of insane mass murder for personal gain, no-one would believe them when they come to investigate such a serious crime as this - but because we are talking about government and because so many remain in total denial regarding the true nature of this 'government' - they continue to be in the power position and continue to be able to write the history of events... Unless we all change the script somehow.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


assume I'm human

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This was clearly a false flag attack designed by the leftist shadow government to impose more restrictive gun laws in America. Any communist dictator worth their salt knows they can't impose a totalitarian dictatorship in a country where the citizens are well armed.

I'm from Cuba and I know from my own history that the first thing the Castros did was to confiscate all firearms from the people. My grandparents had to give theirs to the rebels, worst mistake ever... One of them spent 15 years in prison and then had to emigrate and the other one was removed from his job as a lawyer as he began to see and protest 15 year old kids being shot without due process by Che Guevara at the La Cabaña prison.

He died in poverty a few years later because of cancer that could have been treated with better medicine, maybe, I guess I'll never know (this happened in the 70's).

They also confiscated gold, land and wealth, if we had had Bitcoin back then... but I digress... These crooks want to disarm americans to establish an elitist liberal leftist state that will lead everyone on the Road to Serfdom. it's very clear to me.

I do find it bizarre that 'leftists' are getting the blame for so much - i think that is because people have lost sight of what left and right wing actually mean. Those terms originate from the french revolution where the groups sat in the left wing of the parliament wanted to create change and get rid of the monarchy and those on the right wanted to keep the monarchy and 'tradition'.
It is my understanding that the groups who run the governments from the shadows are far more like a monarchy and they are like a challenge to monarchy.
It is possible that the shadow entities initiate and manipulate radical groups that get labelled as 'left' but overall the groups who control it all are about as right wing as is possible - at least from my research.

In any case, all this comes down to 'heart' or 'heartless'.. as opposed to any kind of political ideology. There are those who seek liberation and those who seek control.

It is possible that this was a false flag to initiate stricter controls, yes - but it is also possible that something far different was involved - including gun-running, fbi sting operations and other such scenarios.

You are right, we should call them statists. They happen to be aligned with the policies that lead to communism so they get the left moniker. Rather than Right vs Left we should be talking about Libertarians vs Statists. Heart vs Heartless is good but a little misleading since most statists really have nice intentions and a good heart but they have been brainwashed to believe more government is the answer. They are not heartless like Soros, they are victims. I see this with Cubans all the time, they are poor as shit yet when you ask them what should be done they tell you the government should impose more price controls, exactly the opposite of what should be done but they have been wired that way.

An fbi sting operation is also possible but from my experience and what I continue to see happening in the US, this looks like an ongoing psy ops against gun ownership by regular citizens. They know they really can't control an armed population once the debt bomb explodes. I hope you are right though, a dumb fbi is much better news than a shadow government running amock. Best regards!

I see what you are saying - for me the heart, when balance, is intelligent enough to understand and feel what is going to lead us to liberation and what is going to lead to enslavement - so there will always be a degree of heartlessness among those whose choices lead to state control (but, yes - not TOTAL heartlessness as with some psychopaths).

The shadowy nature of so many of the groups means that it is even possible that there were multiple different agendas occurring simultaneously - with one group doing gun running and another group seeking to exploit the situation for the purpose of creating a false flag.. :/

Gun runner would love a ban. Same with drugs. once the war on drugs started the price went way up.

I agree with alot of what you guys are saying. Removing the freedom of all to make a few feel safer is the taking away liberty for all. Using fear and telling people , "it is for your own good." Is perfect to enslave the people.

@cryptoeagle I wish you would change your statement about all cubans being poor. I lived in miami for years and every cuban I socialized with are very wealthy. CEOs and CFOs. Your statement is common with all people of all races that are poor. They think the government taking away freedom (regulations ) is the solution to everything since they have so few resources (poor).

Since... well, long ago. It's been close to thirty years now. I find myself looking at the questions that aren't being answered far more than what the media says. Thanks for passing the information.

Very good - yes, it's only through answering unanswered questions that we find the truth!

There are so many unanswered questions here. The discrepencies keep piling up! We all know this was a false flag.

YouTube is now actively censoring the Las Vegas massacre. Why? What are they trying to hide?

To be fair, I don't know that it was a false flag - but I remain open to the possibility. I do know that the epidemic of fakeness that appears to be focused in America means that it isn't always easy to tell who is lying/faking as part of a staged event and who is just a fake person anyway. :/

Very interesting information. This could be a turning point people on the inside are breaking out. What has happening to this two, either way lets hope it's the beginning of many more whistleblowers :)

Man can never be a woman's equal in the spirit of selfless service with which nature has endowed her.

- Mahatma Gandhi

self denial is not service to anything.

But it is possible that the Latino woman was an accomplice of the shooter. And its statement is just to cause more panic.

I don't think that a screaming woman that few can ever hear due to the music is going to cause any useful panic as compared to mowing down a crowd with a large machine gun.

This post has received a 28.53 % upvote from @upgoater thanks to: @ura-soul.

This post has received a 5.73 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

follow and upvote me..
I will follow and upvote you..

Are you sure the lady was just not crazy on some drugs cuz seriously ever concert someones screaming this shit lol

i don't know. i personally haven't heard anyone say something like that at a concert. i think that given the events that transpired, there should at least be some investigation into who she was.. although that would likely be pretty difficult without access to decent camera footage of the crowd.

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