Trump's Latest Tweets: "I'm, like, really (bigly?) smart.. A genius!" Trump's Biographers: Trump Has Attention of a Goldfish & Constantly Lies About His Achievements

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I feel sorry for Donnie.. the more the nasty people pick on him the more he can't help but defend himself in ways that further fuel the fire that's eating him up for all to see!

Here's a question, if you read this from one of your Twitter friends - what would you think?

"Throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart."

There's nothing wrong with recognising our strengths and even letting others know we feel confident about them, however - there's a problem.. This post comes from an active President of the United States (Corporation) which is a line of people which included some very capable orators and authors - capable of demonstrating grace and poise in perilous situations (and also sometimes extreme evil and terrible decision making). I don't want to be a 'language nazi' but if you are posturing publicly about how smart you are, it's probably best to do it in a way that demonstrates your claim, rather than one which contradicts it.

Using the word 'like' in a way that it is usually used verbally to effectively fill a gap in the airtime as you think about your next word choice - is a less than graceful habit/trend that many of us get caught up in from time to time; but who actually writes that word when tweeting? Does it not suggest that the tweet has had absolutely no refinement to it or even a quick sanity check?

Sanity checks are performed when important information processes are coming to an end and are about to 'go live' or be actioned - they are a final fresh look at everything to make sure nothing obvious is awry.

In this case, the fact that Trump's tweet is so unedited might be thought of as a good thing since it suggests a lack of third party editors distorting his words.. But on the other hand, it reveals an absence of the refinement and intellect that he is projecting himself to have. The image I get here is of a man with so much money and 'power' that those in his immediate vicinity just go along with him most of the time, leaving him able to make ever more grandiose claims without being challenged. This is not an inspiring image and is more akin to a dictator than a man 'of the people and for the people'.

What next? Will he be claiming to have invented silicon chips or to hold the world record for Pole Vaulting? Doesn't he realise just how much he is mirroring the penis rocket obsessed North Korean fellow he likes to mock?

lil kim trump
lil kim trump

Trump's recent Tweets

"I qualify as not smart, but genius....and a stable genius at that."

stable genius

Trump's Biographers

Both of Trump's biographers came out publicly and attempted to expose his real mind and ways of being before he was elected as they both concluded he was not fit for the role. The author of 'Art of the Deal' actually spoke at the Oxford University in England and admitted that he had massively lied to the world when he described Donald Trump back then, painting him to be a genius businessman, when in fact he was nothing of the sort.

It's understandable that Trump would want to defend himself in the face of heavy trolling from numerous directions, but I feel it's not enough to just tweet about how great you are - 'talk is cheap' as has been said so many times... It's action that makes the difference.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


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Anyone paying attention will have already witnessed almost every one of the "revelations" in Wolff's book. Incoherent tweets filled with lies - just another day on the reality show presidency...

Almost every day for the last 11 months there has been ignorance, arrogance, racism, idiocy, incompetence, instability, and outright delusion, expressed by Trump in one form or another - how is any of this a surprise to anyone at this point...

I wonder how unhinged from reality he gets after a few more indictments... Prepare yourself cuz I'm pretty sure we're going down the Trump rabbit hole - like it or not...

attention paying is often at sadly low levels due to deficits in that particular bank account!

Well said sir... Well said...
We have a "stable genius" as president so there's really nothing to worry about... :)

I'm sure there are plenty of stables to 'muck out', yes. haha.

It's a crazy time we live in, isn't it?? Then there are all the nicknames Trump has bestowed on certain people through the "twitterverse" like Sloppy Steve, Crooked Hillary, Lyin Ted, Pocahontas, Little Marco and the list goes on!! 😆

oh and Rocketman.. how did I forget that one?? lol

Lib media doesn't know when they are being trolled. This gets funnier by the minute.

That's really funny photos and story. Thanks

He knows how to entertain readers)

Trump is running rings around the hysterical media. A few tweets and he triggers mass hysteria, delivers world peace, brings back America's economy, lowers Black unemployment levels to new record lows and exposes Democrat incompetence and voter fraud!

Trump definitely is GENIUS!

What the hell is this @ura-soul?

Trump's unprecedented genius achivements have triggered you and simply stating the truth has caused you to flag me?😂

You really are a silly sad sack!

I did not flag you - it was a bunch of other accounts that have nothing to do with me. i've probably only downvoted once or twice in my whole time on steemit.

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