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RE: Whistleblowers - Are they evil bad doers, or are we in denial?

in #news7 years ago

i maintain a large list of whistleblowers at if we actually listened to them then the world would change in valuable ways quite quickly. unfortunately, too many are listening to the wrong piper at the moment. :/


MMM. yes i think thats why i think we need whistleblowers to come forward en masse! even then.. the media is too good at subduing everyone

i love your loading screen icon.. flower of life ;-))my favorite pattern.. how many times have i coloured them in!

Drunvalo taught me some good things!

ah yes, it was also drunvalo's books that showed me about the flower of life, maybe 12 years ago :)

yup!!! thats about exactly same as me!
I met him a few times.. his stories are so insane sometimes.. im pretty open minded but some of them truly boggle!

Once when i met Dru he brought a super psychic child to meet us on stage.. SHe did some 'magic' for us.. wOw!

Every house ive lived in since then has at least had two flower or life's .. My current house has i think three with one engraved on the front porch

you flag me. your video all copyright. your photos all copyright. don't flag go on. note. you crazy dog.

very good! i have spoken with him via email only - i thought to go to a heart session he ran in england a while ago but didn't make it since i had no money and they weren't open to a free attendee ;)
i have asked him directly for some evidence of at least one of his claims (during the time of the gulf of mexico oil spill) - but he didn't come through with it - so i am not 100% sure what to say about him - so yes, I just stay open too!

yeah its all a bit weird@! i can even really say if i believe it all.
i cant help myself!

hehe - i've had my own experiences that mirror some of what he has said - so i know that some of the wilder claims are probably from experiences he has had. ;)

with Drunvalo it's fair to say
" You CANT make this Sh*t up!"

hehe - well, to be fair - i have a strong imagination and i can make up a lot of it - with the exception of the geometry. it's the maths that mainly attracts me to people who share it because it cannot be denied. i did once here him claim he single handedly destroyed a fleet of reptilian space ships. imo that harms his image since he knows damn well that he cannot prove that at all. :/

you flag me. your video all copyright. your photos all copyright. don't flag go on. note. you crazy dog.

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