CHILD SEX DOLLS? The size of girls aged THREE available to buy globally! Let's move to stop this putrid profiteering on spiritual disease.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

As if 'realistic sex dolls' weren't creepy enough - It has emerged that China's largest online export retailer is allowing it's sellers to sell realistic CHILD sex dolls for the sexually deviant to fantasise over. Several major newspapers in Britain have covered the story recently and you can see for yourself that the products are really available on the website.

child sex doll

"(the dolls)... are legally sound for buyers who desire them here in the UK - many of which specify their height as being around 100-140cm tall - the average height range of three to nine-year-old girls. Child sex dolls are a popular online purchase for residents across the world, with videos like the one above intended to showcase similar merchandise for buyers.
UK's secret paedos: Twisted Brits having sex with child dolls – and it's LEGAL. The dolls are incredibly lifelike right down to their silicon skin. Painting the dolls as people with personalities for buyers to groom , they use lines to promote them like "The innocent girl is waiting for your welcome."

Online, the dolls, priced around £390 to £650, are searchable online under phrases like 'Loli dolls' for Lolita, 'mini pretty girls' and 'real human dolls', reports the Daily Star.

And the photographs, many too shocking to show here, feature some of the sex aids in sexual positions, including bending over in front of a mirror."


doll 2

###Accepting such dysfunctional behaviour as normal is not the path to balance and healing that is needed here

If people are, due to their own reasons and imbalanced thoughtforms, attracted (or THINK they are attracted) to having sex with children who are below the age of legal consent and who are not fully formed in body, mind or emotional awareness - then they themselves require some help and therapy to clear up their errors. They do not need to be facilitated in their intentions by such products as these - which only serve to give the impression that what they are doing is not so wrong or out of balance. If a society will allow the sale of such products, then surely that society doesn't really mind about children being sexualised groomed and otherwise co-erced into sex with adults.. right? Now, I know that that isn't really the case since the majority of humans have no support for such behaviour at all; however, by allowing these products to be sold this is the kind of twisted judgement that may be formed in the minds of many who are looking for an excuse to in some way act out their mistaken thinking and desires.

###So far, sale of these dolls is 'legal'

As we all know damn well, just because something is JUDGED to be 'legal', doesn't make it right and equally if something is judged 'illegal' doesn't make it necessarily wrong. The truth can always be FELT! HOW DO YOU FEEL TO THINK OF SO MANY PEOPLE BEING INVOLVED IN THE SALE OF DOLLS DESIGNED TO STIMULATE THE IMAGINATION TOWARDS RAPING CHILDREN?
My hope here is that the majority will feel a mixture of terror, anger, hate and passionate desire to change the situation.

###What can we do to solve this?

I am almost never someone to advocate the use of 'policy enforcement' via 'police', however, since our society is so 'top-down' dominated by government and hierarchy - many of the tools we need to protect our children are closely guarded by those groups and so we may find that in this case we are helped by involving them and pressuring them to act here.
My thought is that the massive internet surveillance that costs billions and that can inspect more or less every internet communication can be used here for GOOD, to identify those who buy the dolls AND those who knowingly profit from their sale. I am NOT one for needless spying, but this is NOT needless spying.

I urge you to consider contacting anyone you know who may be in a position to enact such motion in this situation to ensure the protection of our children and to do what we can to correct the apparently epidemic dysfunctions on Earth that currently have significant numbers of people from all across society moving to 'normalise' the manipulation, abuse and down-right rape of the most innocent among us.

For more information on the topic of Institutional Child Abuse, you can review the many sources of media I have collected over the years on this topic in the child abuse katalist page at - here:


Follow, Upvote, Resteem - @ura-soul


Can pedophiles really be reformed though? I've never heard of anyone doing that successful.

This is fucking disgusting tho.

when we understand the nature of all of the dimensions of human beings then it is my assertion that all dysfunctions can be healed - however, it is certainly not the 'norm' at present for therapists to be as aware as is needed. there are huge numbers of pedophiles, so i doubt that anyone is aware of all of the cases around the world.

Considering all the evidence, as cringe-y as it may sound, no, just like homosexuals pedophiles seem to have been born that way or developed in their early early childhood and there's no changing who they are.

On a positive note, contrary to what most people believe, just like homosexuals (and just like hetereosexuals) pedophiles do actually l-la-la-love kids as partners which means they also don't want to hurt them. Problem is because they're so outcasted they feel alone and become extremely mentally ill as you do when you're hated and treated like a monster. That puts kids at risk, as if they lose their mind they may lose their love for kids or over-rule it in insanity, and thus they become a threat to kids.
Normally though, honestly, I'd trust a pedophile with my child than I'd trust the average person. And I mean a real pedophile, not a child molester, for fucks sake the majority of child molesters aren't pedos and statistically more kids are molested by non-pedophiles than pedophiles. I believe it's actually more likely for a non-pedophile to molest a child than a pedophile if I remember correctly.
Which, come on, that's pretty hilarious, and that's something we need to fix.

Screaming about some sex dolls made for some degenerate pond-scum that wants to fuck anything and everything because he has all the fetishes SHOULDN'T be a priority.
Sure, it's not good, but that's a small issue compared to the rest.

Just goes to show that just because something is "legal" doesn't make it right! This is sick... Who's going to buy them- normal adults that want to experiment? Of course not! Pedophiles will buy them to fill in those "lonely hours" between live molestations!

basically, yes :/

From the pedophiles I've talked to sex dolls are essentially unheard of, nobody has them, and nobody wants to "waste $600 on plastic."
The people who buy such dolls are almost always people who have weird fetishes and want to fuck a midget or have grown a fetish for children. But that's very different from pedophiles due to origin, desire, and all types of things.

Which really just makes these dolls worse, as it encourages penetrate with such small individuals, especially among non-pedophiles who may want one or purchase one for their fetish, which is extremely dangerous.

thats totally sick!

@titusfrost - seems like this isn't being noticed by many here - any chance of a resteem?

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