Child Slaves Mine The Materials Used in Our Cellphones & Laptops.

in #news6 years ago

Every action we take, including the purchase of every product, has a knock on effect in our world. It has take the internet to expose this to us so clearly - yet our use of the internet is having a knock on effect in itself that is making existing problems around the world worse too. Heartlessness is the problem and it is all around in many forms. By becoming conscious instead of unconscious, by become aware instead of unaware and by becoming courageous of heart instead of in denial - can we cause the called for changes.

People laugh sometimes when they find out I usually don't have a cell phone and if I do it is 10+ years old. This is part of why.

Europe too has it's evil aspects with regards to child exploitation and our history is full of examples like this - but we all have power to change the present moment and our future here.

Some (mostly unheard of) phone companies have attempted to produce products that aren't involved in this exploitation - but I hear that their products are sub standard. Everyone needs to be made aware of the truth of this and make their decisions accordingly Karma does not punish, but also cannot be escaped - despite what some are thinking.

▶️ DTube

This is why I use the Fairphone sickening really is. what have we become? 💯🐒

This is actually why we should stop using phones. And e-cars for that matter. One car uses far more cobalt then one silly-phone. But by all means if yo have to then get a fair product.
No rotten Apples. No Elon-tronics or Musk-mobiles.

Very true but society is so fixed on them that is a mammoth task unfortunately 💯🐒.

And our leaders find it nessesary to do everything onlne (so THEY can spy on US)
In the Netherlands, you cant even make an appointment at cityhall without an internet connection,
the taxes are also being moved into apps. So we soon will all be FORCED to use phones that can install apps. So we are forced to buy products that make child-slaves. How crazy is that...

This is very true all part of the 5g roll out. Many are under the illusion is for better internet but its all about monitoring and control sadly. Many are waking to it though and the momentum is building to the rejection of the state controlled world 💯🐒

Wow and I just thought it was in the Chocolate industry, these assholes are using child slaves everywhere, remember that along with the suicide rates at the Apple factory in China, when buying that "cool new Iphone" .....time for a bycott!!!

Unfortunately, all manufacturers (except maybe a tiny minority of deliberately ethical companies) are involved in this exploitation. We need radical change on all levels.

but how?

what can we write about to make people push for that radical change?

We all know the problem. Greed and gadgets.
But what are solutions in every single phase of the problem.

People have been programmed to believe that such items are 'cool' and that they then become empowered and also 'cool', by holding them. Often the denial in people is so huge that when confronted with the reality that they are involved with real life evil, they will opt to increase the denial instead of take responsibility. This means that there can be no real solution without denial being felt, recognised and understood.

Denial needs to end first.

This means radically increasing the levels of consciousness in ourselves and helping others to do the same. Most people who are not dead inside will question their actions when presented with video from a slaughter house as they choose which dead animal parts to buy to eat.. However, many will resist the opening of their heart still. In the same way, many will resist change regarding cell phones - even in the face of warnings about cancer risks.. Many people are on a path to self destruction but will deny it up until their last breath. Enlightenment is needed on all levels - so spreading awareness is key and so is a spirit of non judgementality - allowing the space to open up for change without conflict.

If international rules really meant anything, the various global 'police' entities would move to act to stop such slavery and fine/imprison those in corporations benefiting from it.. This would force them to clean up the system. This in turn requires non corrupt governments and this is a problem, since most/all governments are corrupt to absurd levels. Change on all levels includes creating systems that replace corrupt governments and that is something that blockchain technology partially is doing (which is part of why establishment voices poo-poo it so much).

There are more metaphysical solutions too - such as being active in emotional processing to lessen the charges of hatred and rage that power enslavement - but this is too large a topic for me to describe right now.

WOW that's a deep reply.

So basically there is no real solution as there is not even enough awareness.
But all the people who try to make others aware seem to fail. Me included. I need new idea's new approaches. NEW one's, things that have never been done before. :-)

It seems that in a globalist world there ain't no global rules to keep the globalists in check. These corporate entities have so much power and virtual wealth and all just because we accept that virtual 'value'.

Because we all agree on the same virtual value of money.

What makes value, and why is the value of cobalt in this case worth it to let children do slave labor?
Yes we know the answer, we all want gadgets. I only use second hand gadgets if I really need to use any.
But that also does not solve anything.

We need radical new idea's

I suggest checking out the books at They are the most complete guide I have found for what is needed.

thanks i'll have a look

So heart pathetic tragedy scenario just for smartphone child slaves its a no fair in the time among world. We should help Those child who are slaves for cellphone or laptop.

Posted using Partiko Android

The car industry is the bigger evil. Try to imagine how much cobalt goes into one e-car battery.

It's quite pathetic that those kids have to got through all of that just for Smart phones to be in the market. Hmm!
Keep educating us. May be we need a phone company which is totally built on the blockchain. #freedom is all we need.

There are phone companies (2) that try to make ethical phones, but their products are expensive in comparison to the mainstream ones. Open source hardware is a needed step, but so too is a supply chain that respects human dignity and welfare - which will be something that requires an evolution of the heart!

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