Do you know about Sabbateanism? (A quick project update)

in #news7 years ago (edited)

How many of you are aware of Sabbateanism? If you are Jewish, Christian, Muslim or of any Abrahamic faith then it is very literally the origins of Satanism (As it is today), many Secret Societies and most importantly Zionism. So few know about it yet most of our problems today can be traced back to its principles as the root cause.

(Sabbatai Zevi, the leader of the movement) 1666

Its very nature is to Infiltrate and to corrupt any faith, belief or society including governments in order to about the return of the "Messiah" because in their belief, the "Messiah" can only return if the world is perfect in the eyes of God, or the complete opposite of perfection. Being that perfection is impossible by man, they chose to do the exact opposite. I.E an affinity for evil or what Christians see as Satanism.

I hope to expose this soon as it is key to understanding how Zionism and world governments have gotten like they have and do so without a religious filter, granted that every documentary or book done on it is by Jews and Christians. Nothing wrong with that as they are my main source of historic information but being as least biased as possible is key to reaching the truth and sometimes our faith can make us jump to conclusions (everyone is guilty at some point in that)

I do want to note that this has been the most difficult project ever....Simply because of the set backs and 'Hacks' I've ran into likely due to the nature of the subject. Which in my opinion is a bit shocking being that I am trying to humanize the nature of how groups of people could get that way.

Never the less its going to come out as long as I'm kicking and me writing this and other announcements are to insure that you at least know why I may suddenly stop posting should the worst happen.

Anyway, likely in the next few weeks I will post a part one to insure at least half of my work gets to you. It will be like an origin story and will set up for part two which will go into how it became apart of today's atrocities largely focusing on Zionism.

Thank you all for being understanding of why this has been so delayed and for continuing to support us in these hard times. May God bless you all!


Trippy as fuck man, I'm working on some related stuff re: Mind Control aka Witchcraft components, my plan was to focus on manipulation of the masses and obviously theres been a lot of research regarding it. I have met a couple survivors of the ritual satanic abuse, that uses old methods + those refined from MK Ultra experiments and offshoots, but has existed for centuries the product of various types of withcraft. Even the english language is littered with double-speak , innuendo, and root words that tell a more comprehensive story of our history. Theres also the current agenda, the meshing of dualities; male/female, man/machine, physical/spiritual, micro/macro - it has been really hard to find my faith in all of this and I continue to peel back more and more layers to the narrative. Ignorance is bliss but we are no longer ignorant so we must press forth. Here was my pseudo-intro to the topic:

The Embedded Monarch

I've been digging deeper into the "left hand path" theme throughout the ancient religions, then predates that are the phallic cults. It's a messy topic, and everything is built off symbols which can have varying meanings because of their subjectiveness. However, there is a definite, Qabbalic-Mysticism, that underpins the current luciferian agenda. I look forward to reading more of your work.

Check out the work of Wayne Bush @
Particularly the language tab

Thank you for your work.

amen, I will wait for your next post, I read the post you tell me I am very touched, I will always wait for the next story

I always look forward to any project you do , and this house always tries to support you when we can . Things have been a little rough lately , but we’ll gather it back up and cut more ILLUMINATI SHIT out of our budget . ♥️✌🏼👍👏👊🏻

I've studied the Sabbateans. It's a very interesting topic and one that I've wanted to write about for some time. It's good to see that you are aware of them. This cult needs to be exposed.

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