Trump Tweets, No more 'DV lottery'!

in #news7 years ago

President Donald Trump has indicated that there will be no more 'diversity visa' in the United States, indicating the change in US immigration policy.

President Trump has expressed this motivation in a tweet given on Sunday (January 14th). Taking the context of his 'America First' policy, he said that nobody will be immigrated to the United States through an indiscriminately "DV lottery". Rather than just select meritorious people will come as immigrants to the United States.

Therefore, on Sunday, he stressed on formulating a 'merit-based immigration policy', he said that he wants to be the immigrant in the United States only to those people who will be able to make America 'strong and great again'.
On Sunday, President Trump posted several tweets. All of these were given exactly:

"I, as President, want people coming in our country who are going to help us become strong and great again, people coming into a system based on MERIT. No more Lotteries! #AMERICA FIRST,"

In the 'meritorious immigration system', only those people can enter the United States, who are meritorious and have 'excellent past record'.

He also said that the main thing to her is to ensure the safety and security of the Americans, as well as to end the massive entry into the drug.

Trump is talking about the mercurial immigration system, the total immigration rate in the United States will reduce. As a result, countries like India will enjoy great benefits.
If the new trump migration policy is implemented, the dream of billions of immigrants from many countries in the world will be crushed. Diversified lottery will be closed for decades by getting the green card through a visa system. People of different countries will not be able to be immigrants in the United States, showing any other reason than their intellectual merit. The small number of selected talent and everyone else will be deprived.

In another tweet, what Trump said is illegal for the United States to enter the United States, it is like a thunder in the clouds. He said that the trump was 'probably dead' by the Democrats who made arrangements for the agreement that the Democrats had made a 'DACA' (Daffel Action on the Childhood Arrivals Program) to address the issue of illegal immigrants who entered the United States.

In the tweet, he said that for them the Democrats' heartburn is actually shown to people. They do not really want it ('DACA'). They just blame them and take the money allocated for the military to another.
This human system, called the DACA, was launched in 2012, in the time of Trump's predecessor Barack Hussein Obama. DACA is providing protection to children who entered the United States as an illegal immigrant with their parents or guardians, who were never sent back from the United States. But the trump indicates DACA's 'possibly dead' declaration that the 'child' was expelled from the United States.
In September of 017, Trump once said that he will abrogate this arrangement. For this reason, he will give Congress a 6-month deadline for next month to decide. After that, he will put the system up forever.

If that happens many people will have to leave the United States. There will be a long life, including a job, housing and long life. They should go back to the eastern country. Where the uncertain future will wait for them.

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