Security Troops At Wyoming Nuclear Missile Base Used and Distributed LSD

in #news6 years ago

Several servicemen at the F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming have been busted for their role in a drug ring that bought, sold and distributed LSD and other hallucinogens. Those involved worked guarding the nuclear weapons and missile complex present at the base.

(TiM) | Written by: Whitney Webb

Several Air Force members charged with guarding some of the most powerful nuclear weapons in the United State’s arsenal have been busted as part of a drug ring that bought, sold, distributed and regularly used LSD and other mind-altering drugs.

The airmen, serving at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming as part of the 90th Missile Wing, were caught by investigators following a slip-up by one of the servicemen on social media. Those involved were first caught in March 2016, but the details of their case have only recently been made public after records describing the incident were obtained by the Associated Press. Most of the servicemen entangled in the case were responsible for the security and defense of the nuclear weapons on-site as well as the base's missile complex.

In total, fourteen airmen were disciplined, six of whom were convicted in courts martial for LSD use and distribution. Furthermore, the court documents detailing the incident made no mention of whether LSD’s secondary effects, such as flashbacks or serious, long-lasting problems that can develop after a negative hallucinogenic experience, had affected the soldiers’ behavior while on the job. Some of the soldiers admitted that, under the influence of hallucinogens, they would not have been able to respond if called to duty to respond to a nuclear security emergency.

While none of the airmen admitted to using LSD or other drugs while on duty, and were reportedly not accused of on-duty drug use, the AP's report noted that "Air Force investigators found those implicated in the F.E. Warren drug ring used LSD on base and off, at least twice at outdoor gatherings. Some also snorted cocaine and used ecstasy. Civilians joined them in the LSD use, including some who had recently left Air Force service, according to two officials with knowledge of the investigation."

The drug ring involving members of F.E. Warren Air Force Base is the latest scandal for the Air Force’s nuclear missile corps as reports of illicit drug use and widespread cheating on missileer’s proficiency tests at other nuclear-armed bases have been exposed in recent years. Drug use has been the thornier of the issues, as other bases have found the use of other drugs such as ecstasy and amphetamines to be surprisingly common. Some analysts have cited low morale and the young age and lack of experience of the servicemen serving at these bases as underlying problems that have allowed these issues to take root. Others have pointed to a lack of investment in the nuclear missile corps by the federal government.

Despite those lingering problems, the missile force has been thrust back into the spotlight due to President Donald Trump’s calls to strengthen the country’s nuclear might following threats exchanged with North Korea last year and the recent cancellation of peace talks aimed at resolving tensions between the two nuclear powers. However, the recent revelation given the low morale and prolific drug use of servicemen charged with guarding the country’s nuclear weapons may give Americans pause as to whether more nuclear weapons are the solution to the U.S.’ foreign policy conflicts.

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Why'd you stop posting Ben??

Does ANYONE know what has happened to Ben?? I'm very worried.

Tsk-tsk. You'd think the Air Force would know better than to compete with the
It is interesting the article focuses on the negative side effects of LSD. What about the positive side effects. These service members probably have a much more adjusted and functioning mental health, until they got busted.

These Air Force service members (all male, you say?) might be better suited for this job, from humanities point of view. They might question a false order before someone that hasn't used LSD. That's the last thing the Air Force needs though, right, a soldier that can think for themselves.

I totally agree with you on that. I would rather trust somebody to on LSD with such destructive power than someone who is indoctrinated and following orders blindly.

Kinda full circle considering LSD used to be tested as a military defoliant.

Speaking of problems in the military, some years ago a person I know quite well was almost murdered (along with his crew) by fellow servicemen. I can’t really share the details but the reason he believes they were targeted was that they knew a little too much about what was going on in their location and were getting ready to come home.

On a side note: surprisingly, drugs are fairly prevalent in WY. Someone else I know in WY had her 19 yo son arrested for meth. He and others working on the pipeline spent a lot of their money (they’re paid well BTW) on drugs & strippers. In his case, he’d left his drugs & paraphernalia in plain sight in the hotel room. When room service spotted his stuff the hotel management called police, etc. He barely got a slap on the wrist even though that wasn’t the first time he’d been arrested for drugs. Anyone else feeling less than comfortable about these goings on especially when it ties into their employment?
Thanks for the news report!

Hahaha! Oh, my goodness. The people with their hands on the button were using LSD? I bet they were blown away.

Thats just great ❗️Our nuclear arsenal is being watched over by a crew who was high , and probably would not have been able to respond to an actual attack ⁉️ WOW 😮 this is why I say we need to FIRE all of these meat puppets in Washington D.C.

Had a guy in the Navy tell me he and a friend dropped acid on the night of the first Gulf War. They were on the deck of an aircraft carrier. Not 100% sure he was telling me the truth since it's such a dangerous job. And well, acid can make you not know where you are.

I’m all for using lsd to open and free your mind, that being said, maybe don’t do it when you have the potential to wipe out large portions of the earth......I can’t believe I actually have to say that.

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