Customer Gets More than Wings at Local Hooters Restaurant

in #news7 years ago

Hooters Restaurant, the location many people frequent “for the wings”, is iconic. No matter if you have ever been in a Hooters Restaurant or not you probably know where one is. For one customer if in Roswell Georgia his love of “wings” saved his life.
At the Roswell Georgia Hooters is a special waitress. Her name is Mariana Villarreal. She now is more because she gave part of herself for a frequent customer.

Don Thomas (no known relation to Dave), the frequent customer that loved the reportedly loved the “wings”, was well known to the staff at this particular Hooters. It became known to Mariana that Don was going to stop coming soon. When Mariana found out why Don was going to stop visiting she stepped up and offered help in the most special way.

Don was suffering from a malignant cancer. This cancer had infected both of Don’s kidneys forcing them to shut down. The sadder part is, he knew he did not have much longer to live.

According to WXIA-TV, Mariana said to Don, “Well, I have two kidneys, do you want one of mine…” Mariana was inclined to ask this because she had lost her grandmother recently to kidney failure. Now keep in mind, Mariana and Don had developed a friendship beyond the waitress/customer situation so it was easy for her to ask, then she followed through with it.

“I wasn’t able to do anything for my grandma. If (Don) can live two more years, happy as he’s ever been, that’s fine with me. That’s not up to me. I did my part, now it’s God’s turn to keep him alive,” Mariana continued saying to WXIA-TV.

The miraculous thing is, Mariana was a match and successfully donated one of her kidneys to Don. This event happened in early May 2015, as far as we know, both Mariana and Don are living happy lives with no adverse effects from the transplant/donation.

Source: WXIA-TV


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Amazing story. Wow.

The video mentions she barely knew him because she hadn't been working there long (even though he'd been a long time regular).

Yeah, he was a regular but realistically, how much would a waitress know of a regular customer? They mostly focus on remembering the things that regular likes to eat and when so they can better serve them (and make more in tips). Ms. Villarreal obviously did more than that which is awesome. She is a special person and hopefully things are working out well for her for being that awesome.

I agree. What an amazing story. Ah, looks like Hooters didn't miss the opportunity either. They donated $20k.

That is awesome! I was not aware that they donated money to the kidney foundation like that. Good on them. Thank you for sharing that link, I hope more people read this story and realize there are good people in the world.

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