Teenager Helps Hundreds of Puerto Ricans By Delivering Them Solar Lamps

in #news7 years ago

It’s been nearly four months since Puerto Rico was ravaged by Hurricane Maria, and nearly one million people are still without power. Many families are living in makeshift houses made with tarps and other materials, while many roads are out of service, all the while, intense heat and humidity make these living conditions even more unbearable. But 15-year-old Salvador Gomez Colon is on a mission to help as many Puerto Ricans as he can, by giving them light…..so far, he’s delivered 840 households solar lamps, and he isn’t stopping there.

A few days after Hurricane Maria, the ninth grader started the Light and Hope for Puerto Rico crowdfunding campaign on Generosity, with the goal of raising $100,000 to buy solar lamps, mobile cell  phone chargers, and hand-operated washing machines for those in dire need.

With the help of C+Feel = Hope, friends, family and volunteers, Gomez Colon has raised over $125,000, donated 1,400 lamps and 300 washing machines to 840 households, and he’s got another 1,600 lamps going out soon.

Bravo, Salvador!

For more on this, head over to CNN.

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