The BBC - The most powerful propaganda machine in the world.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Growing up in Britain you are taught that the BBC is a beacon of truth being transmitted around the world. This in fact couldn't be further from the truth, the institution is a disgusting propaganda arm of our criminal elite controllers.
Ever since its creation in October 1922 the corporation has through its world service seeped into the public consciousness of nearly every country on the planet. I have travelled extensively and I can tell you from experience you can't go anywhere (you'd want to go) and not have the BBC telling you the news.
A few week ago I was sitting at home when on came the news and one of the "stories" they were peddling was a piece about how RT is a propaganda channel for Putin as it is 20% funded by the Russian government.

Honestly these scumbags have no shame.

The BBC is 100% funded by the British government so what does that make them?
And to rub salt into the wound us Brits are forced to pay for it. A lot of people around the world may not know this but you can't own a TV in Britain without a "TV license".
You can't even buy a TV from some stores unless you give your post code (zip code) and house number so it can be checked that you have a license!

Believe it or not people have gone to jail in the past for refusing to pay for the license which is insane and just goes to show how powerful this institution is. Now I know they are not the ones jailing people however the license was set up to fund the BBC so if I was one of the sorry souls banged up at Her Majesties pleasure I'd be focusing my displeasure on them.

The utter crap and fear mongering they were broadcasting prior to both the Brexit vote and Trump victory was biblical, they had Bremain and Hillary both winning by a mile. Was this because they made honest mistakes on both counts? If you believe that then you are beyond help. No they're constantly trying to control the narrative and in the case of both Trump and Brexit it was an epic fail on their part.
Now I'm sure there are legitimate, decent, hard working journalists working at Broadcasting House however I doubt they would ever be allowed to investigate anything of real note. This is more than likely the reason why the BBC has been a great place to work if you wanted to be a disgusting predatory paedophile like Jimmy Saville and others using the place as a pick up joint to acquire underage kids to abuse with your highly connected friends.
Jimmy Saville. DJ, TV presenter, Peadophile extrordinare and all round dirtbag.

The piece of filth was allowed to walk the halls of Brodcasting house for decades touching up vulnerable kids (sometimes on air) whilst all the time being painted as a hero for his charity work. This was allowed to happen because he was connected to very powerful people at the top of the British establishment and was protected by the BBC.
In recent years the BBC has has extended its influence over captured Britains by expanding it portfolio, it now has over 25 national and regional channels covering every aspect of
" Programming" from News and Sport to Kids television and even a Gaelic language channel.

The rest of the world just has the "World Service" to endure like they're doing you a favour giving you the same spoon fed bullshit we have to endure in our homes at our expense.
All of the recent war mongering narratives have been broadcast constantly from their London HQ in recent years - Russian aggression, Gadaffi killing his own, Assad must go, ISIS, Ukraine & Yemen, all that neocon agenda bullshit that is ruining nation after nation around the globe.
So all in all you have to conclude than in the history of the planet there has never been a more powerful propaganda machine than the BBC and thanks to compliant British taxpayers it ain't going anywhere soon.



BBC=British brainwashing channel

True story mate

Excellent post mate, I couldn't agree more. I was telling people about Saville for about ten years before the story blew up and nobody wanted to know. Now they look back at him and think how didn't they know! The BBC has been corrupting and shaping the worldview of this country for far too long but sadly I can't see an end in sight.

BBC Rothschild run evil brainwashing organization, covering up for pedophiles In and above government.

And they force us to pay for it.
Truly tyrannical, and nobody says anything. The people are dumbed down sheep.

Correct me If I'm wrong, but If you buy a monitor and use an Xbox or similar device you don't need a license. If you don't have a TV receiver built In then It's not a TV.

Grey area,not sure.
Streaming has made things difficult for the government.
They have however talked about Internet taxes to mitigate the losses.

We have to do what David Icke proposes, we have to stop supporting this corrupt system, If enough people stop complying we can change the future.

Agreed. Thanks for checking in.

I never knew you had to have a license to own a TV in Britain. And I thought our (US) media was a propaganda machine.

I know right!
Nobody questions it they are so brainwashed.
Thanks for commenting and visiting.

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