What a Trump or a Biden win would mean for the Middle East

in #news4 years ago

An eerie calm hangs over the Middle East as the US presidential election draws near. The political fault lines that crisscross the region seem quieter than usual and political infighting appears to have subsided. But that relative peace reflects little more than the trepidation of regional heads looking to Washington to see if a change in global leadership is afoot.

It is an election that analysts and politicians say could change the political calculus of the Middle East's major players. From the fate of the Iran nuclear deal to President Donald Trump's so-called "deal of the century" for Israelis and Palestinians to the relentless rise of unchecked authoritarianism, the outcome of the race could have a drastic impact on the issues shaping the region.

Here's where former Vice President Joe Biden and President Trump stand on the political flashpoints.
Rising authoritarianism from Egypt to Saudi Arabia
Biden has promised to undo what many consider a staple of Trump's foreign policy: turning a blind eye to autocracy and human rights abuses in favor of crude realpolitik.

To many across the Middle East, America under Trump had finally dropped its veneer of support for democracy in a region peppered with US-backed strongmen. Nonetheless, the effects of the President's approach have been stark. Authoritarianism has run amok, and the crackdown on activists has been jarring for even the most cynical observers.


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