Gen Z VS Millennials and Gen Xers and what is the most important question Gen Z should be asking?

in #news7 years ago

disclaimer: Editorial Style - strictly imo

Gen Z are not a TV generation.

Gen Z watch a lot of YouTube and similar media on Pads and smartphones but watch zero TV - even with TVs in almost every room of their homes. YouTubers are absolutely huge to this generation. The kind of rawness combined with a sharp wit, and a general dislike for SJW's from most of the top YTers seems to have influenced them.

There is still currently much intrusion from legacy-cable TV for Gen X .

They don’t watch The Nightly News! (But they still have to tolerate modern schooling.)

They are not heavily influenced by the talking points you hear coming through from legacy media TV scripts the way it is with the Baby Boomers, Gen X and Millennials.
They're not into indoctrination. They seem to be able to see past media agendas with the kind of critical eye it took the Boomer and Gen Xers a university degree to be able to discern.

They have a low tolerance for informational BS. Their formative years have been spent filtering out massive amounts of informational noise.

Kids are usually rebellious and when all their teachers are New-Left SJWs, they have a tendency want to do the opposite.

A few economic effects

Cable TV is dying. It’s irrelevance is proportional to its insane last gasps. For eg., Cable companies are gravitating towards YouTube (unfortunately) and co-opting top talent such as Casey Neistat.

Gen Z shun Facebook (unless they have to communicate with grams and gramps).

Societal effects Memes and more memes…

They mock Millennials and the New-Left Gen Xers. Memes and other constantly evolving forms of artistic expression dominate the Z demographic. Programming language, hacking, misspelling words on purpoise (see what I did there?) just to send that proverbial middle finger to all who stand above them and preach on.
Check out Astrozist on YouTube for a 101 on this subject.
Gen Z seem to be more DIY. They think for themselves although much of that is the manner in which they are being brought up.
There is a quirky optimism with Gen Z but most important thing they should constantly ask themselves :

“Why is this person/organization teaching me this?”

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