Socialism is destroying the WORLD

in #news7 years ago

If you look at Venezuela the collapse that socialism has created there, this holds true! WHO HERE VOTED FOR BERNIE SANDERS? --->"As you travel down from Simon Bolívar International Airport into the city center, the difference between Caracas and Bogotá – formerly one of the world’s major drug war battlegrounds – is stark.

Armed police stand on almost every street corner. Every physical space is dedicated to promoting the success of the late Hugo Chávez’s socialist revolution and Nicolás Maduro’s authoritarian regime. The opposition undermines official government propaganda with its own graffiti, effectively accusing the regime of destroying the country with the highest oil reserves in the world.

The rise in anti-government messaging stands out compared to my visit last November. Pro-government propaganda shares the streets with graffiti denouncing the regime on nearly every block."

Socialism has been the bribing of the population and it has been the worst side of democracy – the denial of equal protection of the law based upon wealth. Earn more than someone else and you are evil and they cheer politicians who say they will go rob them legally and give it to you. This is no different than racism or denying equal protection to any group based upon gender, creed, ethnicity, or association of some kind. So yes, the people voted for politicians based upon greed and being bribed. Socialism even violates the Ten Commandments – thou shalt not covet their neighbor’s goods. How can you pretend to go to church on Sunday and then justify robbing others under cloak of good intentions called SOCIALISM?

-- Martin Armstrong

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