Wendy’s Automates To Overcome The Minimum Wage

in #news8 years ago (edited)

The fast-food chain Wendy’s plans to start automating all of its restaurants in an effort to overcome recent minimum wage increases and a weak market, according to reports Thursday.

Wendy’s will install self-serving kiosks at it’s over 6,000 locations later in the year, reports Investor’s Business Daily. Retailers and restaurants have already started exploring automation with many places replacing cashiers and other low-skilled jobs with computers and machines. Wendy’s President Todd Penegor hopes automation will help his company overcome a 5 percent inflation in wages. Read more @ dailycaller.com


Wendy's have also started to outsource drive through as well

I wonder if the real reason behind minimum wage is to subsidize automation in preparation for depopulation agenda.

It is like raising the emissions / safety standards on cars gradually forces everyone to pay for more advanced technology than most people would voluntarily pay for in a free market.

The free market says low wages are the superior solution to automation. Government policies say all jobs below a certain value must be outsourced, automated, or done without. End result is a lower standard of living for everyone involved. The rich pay more for food produced by automation, the low skilled are out of work living on welfare (also stolen from the rich). Idle hands leads to idle sex and population growth in the low skilled segments of the economy. Everyone gets poorer as a result of this meddling.

The only benefit from this is a transfer of power from "many hands" to "fewer hands" as the overlords require fewer people to meet the same level of productivity.

Too bad the vote changing is not implemented yet, I instantly regretted the downvote for not sharing that opinion.
I see too many failures of the free market to believe it would solve all our problems, and I also do not think that people with a depopulation agenda have a lot of power. I am more afraid of religious freaks believing in the nearing apocalypse, and those that worship money.

Well, sorry again for the downvote, that was all I wanted to say :D

I said, I don't want pickles. No pickles! What are you, a fucking machine?

The ancient greeks have been dreaming of machines that weave the cloth, to free mankind from the necessity of stupid work.
A couple of thousand years later, people are afraid of the same thing. The great evangelical motto "who does not work should not eat" poisoned our minds, and makes us define ourselves by how we get our money instead of who we really are.

I welcome every step towards a society free of forced repetitive and boring tasks. And I dream of a society that is able to share the value automation brings for all of us, instead of funnelling it into the hands of a few while fighting to the blood for the breadcrumbs they leave us.

I am all for automation, just economically justified automation. In this case the automation makes everyone less well off.

It can be a good deal for Wendy, assumed people still buy there. Depends on how good the service can be replaced. If it turns out to be good for Wendy, it can be said that the customers did not suffer either.
In my world, a job at a burger station is nothing anyone could want, so I do not see the workers as losers. I can understand that it feels like that for them though, because of the mindset issue I mentioned before. Their real issues are only monetary, and come from a system that requires us to uphold to manual work for the workers sake only. Progress could be so much further when people would not (have to) be afraid of being freed by machines...

agree that make work is pointless. I disagree that automation at gun point is beneficial. No involuntary trade can be said to benefit the parties.

Soon at Wendy's...

Her lipstick video was pretty funny.

[Reposting here per OP because it ended up in a dead thread]

If Wendy’s (and other businesses) simply introduced robot workers people would be pissed at Wendy’s (and other businesses) and likely launch boycotts and/or spread ill will about them online and in front of their establishments.

Solution : Let government introduce a high minimum wage. Businesses now have an excuse to introduce their robot workforce they wanted to implement all along and now the people can blame government. Corporations bypass all of the negativity by covertly funding/writing bills for government officials to pass off as their own.


Who boycotted the car industry when robots were introduced there? A burger will be 10c cheaper and everyone's happy. Except those that made the burgers before, but nobody cared about their happiness when they were doing that.
The real conspiracy is making people dependent on serving burgers, and it's a lot bigger than you'd expect :P

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