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RE: President Trump's Immigration Proposal: A "White Supremacist Ransom Note"

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Politicians who wish to deceive the public are quick to call everything President Trump does racist. They know that if they break the issue of immigration down to the least common denominator large segments of the public will buy into the deception. Making immigration about race allows them to avoid the real topic; the value to Americans of merit/ value based immigration vs. lottery and chain migration. Merit based immigration creates a system in which every person who arrives in the country provides instant economic and innovative value. Value based immigration ensures that those who arrive have western values such as individual liberty. Quota based immigration randomly selects people based on race; giving no credence to the issue of if they will contribute to or be a burden on the rest of society economically and culturally. Chain migration has the same issue on a mass scale.


Should anyone really be surprised that the guy (Trump) who ran as Reagan 2.0 is going to enact amnesty just like 'conservative' idol Reagan did?

I'm going to be LMFAO'ing WHEN (not "if") Trump & the GOP pass'll be a joy to see Benedict Molyneux (who has become a total Trump-shill) completely & utterly wrecked!

White, socially-conservative, Christians were the completely dominant demographic when the massive, Permanent Welfare/Warfare/Nanny State was created--totally discredits Benedict Molyneux's claim that this demographic is the key to smaller govt.


Calling Stefan Molyneux a shill because he supports the President, NOT AN ARGUMENT. Anyone who is unwilling to engage in respectful dialogue with another person simply because they disagree on policy never truly embraced philosophy in the first place. You heard Stefan speak but never listened to him. Yes, people should follow Stefan because he does have sound political views, but his true message is about a return to philosophy, logic, and the making of sound arguments. Whether or not a person agrees with all his arguments is less important. Anyway, the world is so boring when you only engage in dialect with people with whom you agree. Always listen to people, they might just know something that you don't.

I knew Benedict Molyneux BEFORE he became a I know just how far he has regressed.

Deportations are down & Trump is offering a FAR more expanded amnesty than Obama ever did.

It'll be fun watching Benedict continue doing mental gymnastics to rationalize further support of Trump...

How many times has Trump offered favorable terms to the Democrats only to have them spit on the terms offered? Trump is using the same negotiation tactics he's used throughout his entire professional career. Why are you so invested in Stefan being wrong? It seems like a sad obsession; like Stefan has been right so far, but deep down you "just know" he's wrong... lol

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