Vanessa Beeley Interview - White Helmets, The Next Syrian False Flag, Yemen & Humanitarian Deception (Article)

in #news6 years ago

Joining me once again is someone who I greatly respect, not just for her excellent journalism and dedication to the truth, but for her willingness to put herself out there challenging the status quo in a time of such vicious and vitriolic opposition to anything that goes against the lies of the State, which makes it all the more important to stand against. And that is Vanessa Beeley.

Written by Ryan Cristian
Founder, Editor - The Last American Vagabond
WKUP "The Shift" Radio

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The media has conditioned many since 911 to not care about the abuse of Muslims and middle easterners. What makes me sad was when Trump was going attempting to place the "Muslim Ban" the Muslims in America practically shut down the airports but when these people are being slaughtered the silence is overwhelming.

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